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Image loses quality when I manually reduce its size

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Hello, I have an image of 1024x576 px which I want to resize to 768x366 px, so I created a document with the later dimensions and placed the large image, then, using the handle I manually resized the image so it would fit the artboard (because the ratio is not the same, some parts were not visible, but that's intended). After I resized the image I noticed the quality was terrible, the pixelation was very noticeable and made the result unusable almost, how can I modify the dimensions of this image without destroying the quality? Thanks for your help!

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I would suggest loading the original image and change it's size by Main Menu, Document, Resize Document, specify the new size (in pixels most lickely) and let the image be resampled.

Then you could test with different resample methods: Bilinear,  Nearest Neighbour, Bicubic, Lanczos and see what gives the best results for you.



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