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Adding table asset to document creates new paragraph styles

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Edit - I've just realised that it isn't the copying and pasting that is creating the new paragraph styles. I have the tables set up as assets so I can just drag one onto a page where needed. It is adding this asset that creates the new paragraph styles. So new question - how can I prevent that?

I am recreating a document in Publisher which includes many tables. I have set up my paragraph styles eg Table Body Copy, Table Row Headers etc. However, when I copy text from the source document and paste without format, the text is copied as Table Body Copy 1, Table Row Header 1 etc. I have to select the newly copied text, apply the correct paragraph style, add in the paragraph breaks which are removed when I apply the correct style, delete the paragraph style I don't want. I have around 100 tables to recreate and this is unworkable.

What am I doing wrong?

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Without being able to look at the document itself it’s difficult to tell, but my first guess is that the cells in your table have some text styles associated with them which are formatting the text in the table (even if there is currently no text in the table), and those are what are being added to the document.

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Would you be able to:
* Create a new document;
* Clear all the Text Styles from it (or as many as you can, not sure if “Base” can be deleted);
* Drag the Asset to the document;
* Save the document;
* Upload the document here for us to look at?
When we have something to poke with a stick it’s easier to see what’s underneath.

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Here you go. I notice that dragging the table into the document also adds a Bullet text style, I have no idea where that is in the table though. One of the reasons I have 'body copy' in every cell (to be replaced with updated text) is that I couldn't get the styles to 'stick' unless there was text in the cells. Thanks for your help :)

Asset table.afpub

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I think something has gone a bit ‘weird’ with the formatting.
I had a bit of a play around and managed to get myself into a mess with some Paragraph Styles apparently based on other styles that (a) don’t exist, and (b) cannot be reset.
Some extra work got me my attached example where the formatting for each paragraph is wholly controlled by a single paragraph style without extra applied formatting (first attached image = your formatting, second attached image = my formatting).
I don’t know if this helps at all.

Annotation 2020-08-31 135434.png

Annotation 2020-08-31 135307.png

Asset table - GP version.afpub

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