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Merge from visible takes a looot of time

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Hello everyone, this is my first post here so I hope I'm doing it in the right place.

I've recently purchased a copy of Affinity Photo and I'm doing my first editions with it. I've noticed that when I use the option "merge from visible" with a picture which has a couple of layer adjustments applied, it takes about 30 seconds to merge it. I did the same process with PS, same image with a couple of layer adjustments and it took it about 3 seconds.  I'm working in the same conditions with both programs, 16 bits, a 24 megapixels picture. Am I missing something about the configuration? Is it a bug?


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Hi juangomgi,

Any chance you of you attaching the afphoto file you are merging?  While you shouldn't really compare Affinity to Photoshop (we both do things differently) there could still be room for improvement but i'll know more once i've seen the afphoto file :) 

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Hi stokerg!! 

I don't know what has happened but now it works ok. I've tried with the same raw picture, and it works as it should. Maybe I accidentally changed something in the configuration (as I'm learning the software) and that could've caused the problem.

Thank you so much anyway. 😀

We can close this topic as it's been solved.

Edited by juangomgi
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