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I have a problem opening tif files in Affinity photo. I process the .orf files either in olympus workspace or in acdsee pro, I convert them to tif and when I export one of them from any of these programs to Affinity photo, the photo opens but much clearer. Obviously, if I edit it and export it again in jpeg, the arrangements I made in Afinnity will look much darker in both olympus workspace and acdsee, or in any other program or device.
I think it must be something in the configuration of the program, but I look in preferences and I do not find it. In Preferences - Color, I have the color profile in sRGB IEC61966-2.1, and the same for 32-bit RGB color profile.
I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on this.


Hello again.
I expand the information that I gave previously. The same happens with the jpeg's, they open in affinity with a flat tonality, much less contrasted than in the other programs that I have mentioned. Both acdsee and olympus workspace have color management. I have a not very good monitor, but it is profiled and calibrated, I do it every month. I don't know what may be failing. With photographs with a normal brightness I had not noticed, but in two recent projects in which I have made portraits in low key the difference between affinity and the other programs is very noticeable.
Again, if anyone had any leads to give me, they would be very grateful.

  • Staff

Hi Omortubay,

Could you attach one of the TIFF files?  

It does sound like a colour profile issue, so i suspect one of the apps is using the incorrect one.


You are absolutely right, it was a color profile issue, and in fact the fault was entirely mine. I somehow misconfigured Displaycal and chose a profile type with LUT, and that created the problem as not all applications handle those profiles. I have reconfigured the profile type to "curves+matrix" and now everything is fine. Both Affinity and the other software I use show the same contrast and color in the images.

Thank you very much for your attention, and kind regards.

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