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Recently, I had a really bad experience trying to save assets in AffPub.  Every visual indication was that nothing was happening.  On the forums, a couple of folks helped me out, and it turns out that all those assets had been saved.  Invisibly.  So I would like to request some specific improvements to the user experience with the Assets panel.

1) Subcategory titlebars should append a count of the number of assets contained in that subcategory.  E.g, "My Subcategory (4)".

2) The collapse/expand "twiddle triangle" on subcategory titlebars should be enlarged, or given a higher contrast color (light profile), or both.

3) Assets (or a frame around them) should highlight as the mouse passes over them in the Assets panel.  This is especially critical for largely (or entirely) transparent assets such as frames.


I hope the assets can be shared and used in photo, desiger and publisher, and the assets can be saved to the server so that they can continue to be used after replacing the computer, including the export of the panel interface.


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Please consider changing your username as it is publicly visible and having your email address as the username invites spammers.


Currently assets can not be shared directly among the applications, but you can manually export them then import them into the other applications from that.  You can also take the exported file and import it into the applications on another computer, or share it with other users as appropriate.

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