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I'm still trialling Affinity, and thought I was doing well, got a few days left on the trial.

Today was the first crash and I lost about 30 mins of work. ON restart got message saying did I want to restore the file, clicked on restore and guess what, it didn't.

I was trying to get a better cut out of a motorcycle, the selection tool didn't really work too many small openings etc.

So went to the pen tool, all going well, small clicks around edges, must admit the magnetic lasso tool came to mind (in PS) but not sure if that's available in the program (as I said, I'm a beginner in Affinity so still finding my way round the program)  almost completed the selection and voila GONE. Will try again but ........



Hi DaveHil  :)

Sorry to hear you're experiencing crashing. Could you please confirm for me, what Affinity application are you using & what OS are you running?

When you tried to restore the crashed document, what happened? Did you see an error message when trying to recover the document?

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