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With Affinity Designer I first export the project to to an EPS file.Then I import it into Adobe Illustrator to adjust the resulation.

From Illustrator I save it to an ai file.
Then I go into After Effects and import the ai file.
In After Effects I drag the ai file into the timeline and then
I click on create and then create shape from vector Layer.

Now my next problem is when I create a text (or several) which are converted into vector shapes.

Actually, I wanted all the text to be editable in After Effects so I don't have to move or replace every single letter.
In Adobe XD the text is still editable when I import it into After Effects...

To my question, is there a more elegant solution to this problem? :/


Hi 5566,

Welcome to the forums :)

My apologies for the delayed response, as we have been closed over the holiday period.

When exporting to EPS from AD, your text will always be converted into singular Curve objects. If you wish to retain this as text when exporting from AD, I recommend using a different format such as PDF or SVG. I hope this helps!

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