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Crash on Startup v1.7.3

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After updating to Mac 10.15 yesterday I have been unable to open Afinity Designer. The application crashes immediately after showing the branding window. Please help as I have grown dependent on this application for daily work and being without out it is a huge hinderance! Thanks!

System Info:

Process:               Affinity Designer [2917]
Path:                  /Applications/Affinity Designer.app/Contents/MacOS/Affinity Designer
Identifier:            com.seriflabs.affinitydesigner
Version:               1.7.3 (1.7.10)
App Item ID:           824171161
App External ID:       832871681
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        bash [2911]
Responsible:           Terminal [766]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2019-10-17 12:08:32.163 -0400
OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.15 (19A583)
Report Version:        12

Time Awake Since Boot: 8400 seconds
Time Since Wake:       4700 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        6

Exception Type:        EXC_ARITHMETIC (SIGFPE)
Exception Codes:       EXC_I386_DIV (divide by zero)
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Signal:    Floating point exception: 8
Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x8
Terminating Process:   exc handler [2917]

Additional System Info

Thread 6 Crashed:
0   com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsMTLDriver    0x00007fff326f946b CHAL_INTEL::ChalContext::SetupFixedFunctionKernelExecute(CHAL_INTEL::tagCHALCommandPacket*, unsigned long*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 319
1   com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsMTLDriver    0x00007fff326fd365 CHAL_INTEL::ChalContext::ChalExecuteFillBuffer(MTLIGAccelBuffer*, _NSRange&, unsigned char) + 1455
2   com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsMTLDriver    0x00007fff326f77a2 IGAccelBlitCommandEncoder::fillBuffer(MTLIGAccelBuffer*, _NSRange&, unsigned char) + 28
3   com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsMTLDriver    0x00007fff32712c05 -[MTLIGAccelBlitCommandEncoder fillBuffer:range:value:] + 242
4   liblibraster.dylib                0x0000000116295b20 Raster::ExecuteMetalKernel(Raster::HardwareExecutionMode, int, unsigned char, void*, int, Kernel::Counted<Raster::Prolongation>, Raster::HardwareKernelDescriptor const&, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, float*, int, float*, int, float*, int, float*, int, float*, int, void*, float*, int, float*, int, Kernel::RectT<int> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool*, bool, bool, char const*) + 9248
5   liblibraster.dylib                0x0000000116510653 bool Raster::Hardware<Raster::DefaultImplementation>::Process<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5, Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5, Raster::X1, Raster::X2, Raster::X3, Raster::X4, Raster::X5, Raster::Pixel<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5>, Raster::Buffer<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5>, Raster::Copy, Raster::IdentityMask, Raster::IdentitySampler, Raster::IdentityTransform, Raster::Safe, Raster::NormalBlend>(Raster::Pixel<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5> const*, Raster::Buffer<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5>*, Raster::Copy&, Kernel::RectT<int>, Raster::IdentityMask::Params const*, Raster::IdentityTransform::Params const*, Raster::IdentitySampler::Params const*, Raster::NormalBlend::Params const*) + 1731
6   liblibraster.dylib                0x000000011650ff3f void Raster::ProcessBase<Raster::Copy>::Execute<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5, Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5, Raster::X1, Raster::X2, Raster::X3, Raster::X4, Raster::X5, Raster::Buffer<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5>, Raster::Pixel<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5>, Raster::Copy, Raster::IdentityMask, Raster::IdentitySampler, Raster::IdentityTransform, Raster::Safe, Raster::NormalBlend>(Raster::Buffer<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5>*, Raster::Pixel<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5> const*, Raster::Copy::Params*, Raster::IdentityMask::Params const*, Raster::IdentityTransform::Params const*, Raster::IdentitySampler::Params const*, Raster::Safe::Params const*, Raster::NormalBlend::Params const*) + 431
7   liblibraster.dylib                0x0000000116463535 Raster::Buffer<Raster::Red8, Raster::Green8, Raster::Blue8, Raster::Alpha8, Raster::X5>::Clear() + 229
8   com.seriflabs.libcocoaui          0x0000000109cbc9d5 -[AssetItemView generateImageFromAssetInBackground] + 725
9   com.apple.Foundation              0x00007fff3d5a3ef2 __NSThread__start__ + 1064
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff724add76 _pthread_start + 125
11  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff724aa5d7 thread_start + 15



It looks like a graphic issue, but Affinity Photo starts up and runs without any errors or crashes.




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Hi @ericjsnover,

Welcome to the forums and sorry for the delayed reply. 

Try this:

Did you purchase from the Mac App Store or the Affinity Store?

If you purchased from the Mac App Store could you try these steps please:

Go to Macintosh HD\Users\username\Library\Containers\
rename the 'com.seriflabs.affinitydesigner' folder to 'com.seriflabs.affinitydesigner.old'
Start Designer
This will have reset all of your settings so please note all of your assets, brushes, etc will not be there. Currently these are stored in the renamed folder so we can look at getting them back if this works for you. If Designer does load up, could you zip up and attach a copy of the 'com.seriflabs.affinitydesigner.old' folder please?

Instead if you purchased from the Affinity Store could you try these steps please:

Go to Macintosh HD\Users\username\Library\Application Support\
rename the 'Affinity Designer' folder to 'Affinity Designer Old'
Start Designer
This will have reset all of your settings so please note all of your assets, brushes, etc will not be there. Currently these are stored in the renamed folder so we can look at getting them back if this works for you. If Designer does load up, could you zip up and attach a copy of the 'Affinity Designer Old' folder please?


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