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Found 6 results

  1. Hi Ash and the affinity team, is it available in photo as requested during 2.2?
  2. I was trying Shape Builder and wanted to invoke the x-ray mode that I’ve seen on various tutorials. When I tap the Navigator icon and then tap on either Main View Mode or Split View Mode, Designer crashes instantly. I’ve tried with both the beta and mainstream app, getting the same result. I have also tried it with other files and it seems to work a little better. I have found that if I use the Designer module within Affinity Publisher for iPad, with the same file, there is absolutely no problem. I am attaching the file. You’ll see that it is not particularly large or complicated particular shapes. I was trying to combine using Shake Builder were the little houses (I was trying to replicate what the original artist had made, for practice). I realise there is probably something weird about the file, but this crash shouldn’t really happen, I think. cardch4.afdesign
  3. I have just started using the software affinity designer and I am trying to figure out what everything does. Right now I’m stuck on View modes, what does Pixel mode, Outline mode and Retina mode do and change? Thanks!
  4. I'd like to suggest adding a new View Mode which hides all layer effects. This would help when drawing inside a layer with existing effect, particularly since it uses more CPU and memory to apply effects as you draw. Even making a per-layer toggle would help as suggested here.
  5. AD 1.5’s Clip to Canvas setting (View > View Mode > Clip to Canvas) is a very useful new feature, thanks for adding it. However, two things that would improve this setting: 1. Allow Clip to Canvas to be set on or off by default for new documents i.e. to be able to set it when no documents are open, and have that setting be respected by new documents. Having to set it manually for each new document is a small extra hassle. 2. Allow Clip to Canvas to be used when working with artboards. The setting currently is greyed out in the menu when working in a document that contains artboards, so working outside of an artboard is currently impossible. (I’d imagine these are mostly likely underway for future updates already, but wanted to make sure they got a mention!)
  6. I tried both a photo and a vector graphic and when I go to outline, all I get is a transparent canvas. How do I make outline work? I tried the split view and it still just showed the canvas. :)
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