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  1. From using and experimenting with the spelling and find-and-replace functions in Affinity Publisher, the following behaviours seem like bugs – or at the very least, strange, unhelpful, and unintuitive – to me. Am I alone in thinking this? Set-up A test file is attached; or... create a new document; make a text frame and fill it with some text (real text, not filler text). Put a few instances of the word “cat” into the text, in different places. Test 1 Go through these menu items: Text > Spelling > Show Spelling Options In the dialogue box (entitled “Spelling”), type the word “cat” (without quotes) into the upper box. Press the Find Next button. Nothing happens. Why not? If you now repeatedly click the Change button, it repeatedly inserts whatever is in the upper box, into the text This is not really a "change" operation (changing one thing into another thing). It's just a "text insert" function, with no apparent purpose, or relationship to spelling options (nor to find-and-replace). Test 2 Close the Spelling dialogue opened in Test 1. Put a few instances of the word “horse” (without quotes) into the text, in different places. Open the Find and Replace dialogue by typing Ctrl F. Type the word “horse” (without quotes) into the Find box, and “pony” (without quotes) into the Replace with box. Nothing happens, which seems strange; it would seem logical for the cursor to move to, and select, the next instance of the word “horse”, but it doesn’t – unless and until you click the Find button. When you do that, the instances of the word “horse” appear, in context, in a list beneath the Find / Replace / Replace all buttons. Now click the Replace button, repeatedly. Each found instance of the word “horse” is replaced by “pony”, but the list of found instances does not update. It continues to show, and cycle through with each click of Replace, the original list of instances of “horse”…. ….unless, or until, you click the Replace all button. Only then does the list update, by (as would be expected) disappearing completely. bugs query - affinity publisher spelling options and find and replace.afpub
  2. Hello again! Another tiny bit I noticed is that none of the 'spelling' check options are working. Thank you for your hard work! Regards, Yoganshi. Ps. I'm a design student, and just wanted to add that I really am enjoying working on designer and publisher!
  3. Hello. I´m trying to figure out how to disable the spell check / spellchecker in Affinity Photo iPad. I already checked the iPad Settings with no luck. Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Auto-Correct and so on is turned off. The red underline is still there. Thanks in advance. I´m using Affinity Photo iPad Beta 1.6.3(
  4. Is there really a spell checker in AD? I have tested with misspelled words and the app doesn't seem to recognize them.
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