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  1. Could references, in-text citations and bibliography features be added for Publisher? I would love to be able to create text boxes where you put all of the sources you have used in with specific formatting (e.g. APA, MLA) and have the text box auto-sort the references alphabetically. Later on, when I want to reference the source in text, it would be cool if there was an auto-complete feature where if you hit a hotkey and start typing the title of the book or author name, Affinity searches for the reference and places it in the text as a cross-reference of some sort. I think it would be good to use cross-references for this, because that will allow you to make specific formats (e.g. just a [1], [2] or [Author name, date], (Author name, date, page number). If this could be part of Publisher, it would save a lot of time and might attract people who use dedicated referencing/ bibliography software.
  2. Hi, I know people have been discussing this but I have not found a solution and would be grateful for some help. When I use Focus Merge I can see the Sources Pane clearly and can click on it to operate within that pane but if I click on any buttons such as the clone tool in the main window, all the source images disappear. I have enabled Sources in the Studio menu and I can see the Sources box but it is empty of the source images. Any suggestions please? PS I am on 1.10.5
  3. I'm experiencing persistent crashes while attempting to clone part of one image to another. I'm running Affinity Photo 1.7.1 on a 2018 MacBook Pro 15" with macOS 10.13.6. Here is one of the crash logs: Affinity Photo_2019-08-06-172523_RRL-MacBookPro15.crash. I'm trying to clone Ina, a colleague, out of Ina.tiff and replace her by the bench in No_Ina.tiff. So, following @James Ritson's tutorial (for 1.6, https://player.vimeo.com/video/192599318/), I enter the latter as a new source in the Sources panel, double click it there, choose the cloning tool and option-click on a common point in the two files. Then I go to Ina.tiff, activate the cloning tool, and click No_Ina.tiff in Sources. Now I run into a first problem: the preview of the cloning brush is practically useless, as only bright spots of light appear when I hover over some part of Ina.tiff. Taking a chance on where to place the cloning brush, I click-drag. Soon after I finish, Affinity Photo crashes. The other problem I have with cloning in this way is, I don't seem able to clone from one pixel layer to another in the same document, let alone between documents. Why not? The history for this is, I first developed the a RAW file to produce the Background layer of the document with Ina, then found I had another RAW file that I hadn't intended to develop with just the bench. So I developed it, then copy-pasted it into the document that I was working on in hopes of being able to just clone between the two Background pixel layers instead of having to export both and, I assume, lose the advantage of developing and working in 32-bits. Affinity Photo_2019-08-06-172523_RRL-MacBookPro15.crash No_Ina.tiff
  4. When trying to better edit a focus merge was not able to have each image recognized in Sources panel. Clone tool active click on eye at bottom of Source Panel doesn't isolate that specific image click eye off clone tool doesn't impact image at all.
  5. Hi, I just HDR merged two .jpg and would now like to remove some artefacts by replacing them with things from the source images. I have activated Sources in Studio, but clicking on the Clone tool does not cause it to display the Sources panel. I'm using Affinity Photo 1.7.3 on macOS 10.14.6.
  6. Could you add a section that allows me to include notes/sources for my files? I am using some open sources images and would like to be able to have a place where I can save these URLs for future reference and to be able to cite these later on a "sources used" section on the website for which I am designing these. Additionally, the notes section would allow me to easily keep the client's wish list/notes easily accessible.
  7. When correcting artefacts in a focus merge operation, it would be very helpful to be able to view the layers by using the arrow keys or scroll wheel on a mouse. Having to click on each one is tedious if you have a large set of 20 or 30 shots and also being able to view them like a flick book is useful to see how the camera performed taking the stack.
  8. Hello & HNY! I have been experimenting with the stacks, focus merge and HDR/Tonemap modules and I have some questions. Stacking multiple images that may or may not line up perfectly and I like the stack blend methods and either Median or Average seem to give me the best blend but typically there are only two or three files to a stack. I would like to be able to use the de-ghosting tool from the HDR merge when using the stack module. Is there a way to use the stack blend modes with the manual de-ghosting in the HDR module? I checked Live Alignment and added a Mask layer to each image but nothing seemed to show up. Using stacks is a very new thing for me as I only learned about it in an Affinity Photo tutorial video. Would greatly appreciate more information on using them. Thank you for your time! Have a great new year! Lisa in Atlanta
  9. Hello & HNY! I have been experimenting with the stacks, focus merge and HDR/Tonemap modules and I have some questions. I have stereographs that I have scanned and I want to merge them into a 3D-ish/HDR-type image. I have tried many different approaches but because they are just a bit off on the perspective and framing, I have a terrible ghosting problem. I like the stack blend methods and either Median or Average seem to give me the best blend but typically there are only two files to a stack. I would like to be able to use the de-ghosting tool from the HDR merge when using the stack module. Is there a way to use the stack blend modes with the manual de-ghosting in the HDR module? I checked Live Alignment and added a Mask layer to each image but nothing seemed to show up. Using stacks is a very new thing for me as I only learned about it in an Affinity Photo tutorial video. Would greatly appreciate more information on using them. Thank you for your time! Have a great new year! Lisa in Atlanta
  10. Hi Sources panel not opening on completion of focus merge, any help appreciated. Ian
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