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  1. Hi! I’m new here and I’m pretty sure my question has been asked many times before. Maybe I did something wrong when I used the search bar but I couldn’t find anything about it so please accept my apologies if there are already tons of topics about this and please post a link to where I can find the export discussions. My issue: my jpeg exports are much softer then the raw file in Affinity. I use an iPad Pro 2021 12.9”. When I export an image and compare it to the image in the Affinity app there’s a big difference in sharpness. I think my export settings are in order but I’m new both to iPad photo editing and Affinity Photo so I might be missing something. You can see what I mean in the attached files. Just as a test I exported a file to its original size with just a little sharpness added. First image is a screenshot of the raw file in the app, the second is a screenshot of the exported photo and the third are my export settings. Are there any obvious mistakes?
  2. When soft proofing a photo, when should the soft proofing be done? Since it can significantly change the way a photo looks, it seems to me soft proofing should the first step when editing a photo. But I really don't know. I have not found a tutorial on this exact question. Thanks
  3. My program keeps locking up and requires closing using windows task manager resulting in lost changes. This has now happened on several occasions with different files. I click on soft proof from the adj. section, the selected variants are displayed but no adjuster box. As soon as I click again on this the program locks with no response from anything on screen. Update:- I uninstalled and re-installed the program and it now appears to work. I'll keep you all up to date.
  4. Hello guys! An interesting and welcome addition to Affinity Photo would be something like a ‘split view for comparison’. A way to compare and edit versions (or Snapshots) of an image without having to duplicate it and use Separated Mode or toggle between tabs. An example would be when I apply the ‘Curves’ and ‘Soft Proof’ adjustment layer to an image to prepare it for print. I would like to have one window where I can see the original and another window right next to it, preferably optionally mirrored, with the adjustment layers active to edit and compare it to the original image (or Snapshot or state when I entered this split view mode). I think the basic elements for this feature are already available in Photo (i.e. Snapshot) and it comes down to the ability to arrange (and mirror or split) your windows/views. The ability to arrange windows (tabs) next to each other without having to enter Separated Mode would be a valuable addition and to a large extent fulfill this feature request. What do you think?
  5. I like the way guys from FixThePhoto created a magnifying glass ( like this http://fixthephoto.com/examples/high-end ) in their gallery for the best view of before and after retouching samples. Can somebody help me to make this function on my website which is connected with my own photomanipulations? I will be very grateful!
  6. Hi, I am new to Affinity photo and want to know if in version 1.4.1 a soft mask exists? What I need is that a mask has a certain transparency at it's border. How can I give a mask lets say a 10 pixel border with transparency changes from 0% to 100%? Something like this: https://rockymountaintraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Photoshop_ss_006.jpg So I want to use the circular mask tool and set a smooth border of e.g. 10 pixels. How can I do that with Affinity photo? Thanks!
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