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  1. SInce I switched to Publisher for all my CMYK work, I thought it might be time to do the same with a project using two spot colors. But I can't find a useful way to work with it. When using overprint properties Indesign makes it possible to do that per object (line or fill). I think it would be ok, to do it upside down, like the user guide of Publisher is promoting. That would mean to make a copy of a color swatch (one overprintig, one knocking out) and to use these on all objects as one wishes. And it does even work when outputing a PDF. But there is one thing missing - a preview of how my layout actually looks when overprinting, simple WYSIWYG (I'm not even speaking about a separation preview). So that is not very useful. With CMYK colors it's quite easy - you can just use layer modes (multiply) - see, what you are doing and even get it exported in a controlled way, when using the right PDF export settings. But with spot colors I didn't get any of these exported, they always change to CMYK. I've tried all possible ways (my document is CMYK, FOGRA39 and exporting as X4, X3 or other variants didn't help; of course honour spot colors is on). Any ideas? Has anybody a real workflow for that? Thanks for any help!!
  2. Now I like Publisher so much that I only work with it even though I have InDesign and QuarkXpress. The only big problem is separation preview. At the moment I am creating print PDF in Publisher, then exporting PDF to InDesign and switching on the separation preview. I really miss the feature! Otherwise it would be a great tool!
  3. Hi all. after many search i didn't found reply to my questio,so i ask: is possible to separate varius tiles on a png image with transparent bacgground into layers? manually i know how done it, but is there any process to do it automatically? i found some script but only for photoshop,and i don't want to switch to another software to done this. can you put me in right way,if is possible?
  4. Hello! As a Fine Art Printmaker who uses Computer Design tools to create prints for Screen Printing, Lithography, and Intaglio, CNC woodcut, it would be amazing if I could separate colors and control half tones size shape (line, dot, etc) and color. I imagine being able to work in CMYK layers and being able to apply color halftones to shapes based on percentages, or change the size and shape of the individual color channel half toning. It could be applied in any document setup really RGB document with a simulated color / spot process: Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Green, Turquoise, Grey and control the halftone percentage, size and shape. grey scale: black, 25% grey, 15% transparent white LAB would be fun, you could control the lightness darkness of the halftones maybe have an option to constrain the gamut inside of lab to a specific set of colors like CMYK but still have lightness control. In my imagination the possibilities are endless for options like this. "MOONSHOT" : to have RIP like printing control inside this program, where I wouldn't have to worry about the printer I am on to get circular halftones (this might be next to impossible but I am ignorant when it comes to the programming side of hardware interactions) this would be just insane and might require a new type of universal file format I have no idea but it's something I dream about, being able to go to Kinko's or some other local digital print shop and be able to print out my files without having to worry about the print shop getting the settings right in their computers and on their printers, the employees being inept, or any other stupid thing that happens because you don't have enough money to buy the hardware that you need. and finally "MOONSHOT": A new type of color selection palette based off of a Warm/Cool, light/dark, transparent/opaque warm adds red cool adds blue lightness adds white darkness adds black transparent/opaque self explanatory but the twist is you pick initial colors as a base and those colors become the colors you base rest of the interactions between the colors on like paint For example: Here is a shorthand RGB two way conversion to Paint/Ink color palette equivalent Red (Pantone Uncoated 032) Yellow (Pantone Uncoated 123) Blue (Pantone Uncoated 300) Purple (Pantone Purple) Green (Pantone Uncoated 354) Turquoise (Pantone Uncoated 312) Grey (Pantone Cool Grey 8) 100% opacity White 15% opacity White mixed or printers black (R 54, G 54, B 57) Black now imagine you have picked these colors as your initial palette and have set them inside of a grid each color has the same basic controls warm/cool: add red/add blue light/dark: add white/add printers black transparent/opaque: increase decrease transparency/opacity Now for example you activate the red, white, and yellow channels you now adjust warm/cool light/dark transparent/opaque sliders around to just work within the constraints of those colors selected from you base palette this gives you a sub palette of yellows oranges and reds based of your real world/RGB equivalents this would work for CMYK as well This would be a great tool to have I think Thank you for reading and for your consideration Nathan Henry
  5. Hi, does Affinity allow for: 1. Overprint - I need to overprint certain colours for final print output. 2. Overprint Preview 3. Separations Preview - this is vital in seeing the final output of colours prior to going to print (other than printing physical seps). 4. Spot Colours - In the interim, does Affinity support spot colours - even if its not Pantone Book colours, I then can name it a pantone for the printers reference.
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