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Found 5 results

  1. Hey everyone! I was just wondering if there is an easy way or option to unpopulate/remove all placed pictures/resources from a previously defined selection of Picture Frames. Can anyone help me out and point me in the right direction? And if the option doesn't exist: Would this be a feature that would be handy for others as well? Or is it just me? 🥲 Edit: My current method (or the only official method?) since I was faced with a similar problem a few months ago is to use the Move Tool, double-click on the Picture Frame in question and hit delete. However, you have to be careful not to accidentally move the picture frame in the process. Alternatively, you could select them in the Layers Palette. But these methods certainly are not the most efficient, are they? Thanks! (Before anyone mentions Master Pages: I use them everywhere they are applicable, but the sizes of the picture frames in my current document vary too much from page to page for Master Pages to help in this case.) 😉
  2. Hello, I am using Mac OS 10.15.2. I use Publisher Desktop version. When I want to place an image into a picture frame, the programme is crashed and quit. I tried it on another Macbook which is running Mac OS 10.14.5, same problem. The file size is very small only 1.6MB. Can anyone help to solve this problem? Thank you!
  3. Hi, in some AfD documents there is no Edit Image button in context toolbar. I try to use the same picture in multiple documents. In first document thre is the ability to edit it within AfD using the button but I do not know why in my second document the button is missing. I proceed the placement the same way: File > Place or using the Place Image Tool. When I copy the image from the document with the possibility to edit to the second document, the button miraculously apears. I even wonder, why the first scenario works only using the AfD tools (menu command and the place image tool). By simply copying the image from Finder and placing in to the document there isn't the button at all. The placed image even doesn't have the file name in layers panel.
  4. Hello everybody my name is John and I'm very new. I use the latest version of Designer. I open a new document and try to use the place image tool and my desired image freezes after it's been placed and cannot be scaled or moved. This is happening with every new file. So at the moment designer is useless to me. I'm back using photoshop. Hoping someone can help.
  5. The Place Image Tool is very handy but it lacks one essential thing: to be able to CROP the image by holding a modifier key, say ⌘-Shift I know this is possible with the Picture Image Tool but that is too much workaround
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