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  1. In the Adobe apps like Photoshop when you open a file with missing fonts it will put a small notification on each font layer that is using the missing font. I think it would also bring up a dialog showing the font name and warning about substitution before you could edit that layer. Furthermore Photoshop maintains the original appearance of font layers when opening a document even with fonts missing, until you attempt to edit them. I assume it uses embedded pixel layers or something. It would be really helpful to be able to open a document on any machine and see the original design. Can we get something similar in the Affinity apps?
  2. I got a new MacBook Pro recently to replace my MacBook Air. I have a project that's going to print soon and I used the font Athelas. In my MacBook Pro, I downloaded the Athelas Font and it's available in other apps, but not Affinity Photo. I checked the details of the font and there's an error showing, saying that it is a duplicated font, but I can't see that it's duplicated. I can't figure out how to add it to Photo. Whenever I open the project in Photo, it says that the font is missing, even though it's in my Font Book on my MacBook. Can anyone help, please?
  3. Feature Request: Missing fonts imported as Bitmap that can convert to a default text if you need to edit them. I work with a lot of simple PSD files for my work and I am transitioning to Affinity but its super bothersome that it lacks this feature from Photoshop where I can open a design and missing fonts will be displayed as pixels/bitmaps but if I use the text tool I can edit only the text boxes I need. Sometimes I just need to change a phone number on a design. With Affinity my options are everything is Bitmap or everything's text. I'm suggesting a smart hybrid where its all bitmap but converts to a generic font if you need to edit it similar to how Photoshop handles it. It seems like you have everything you need already in the software to make this suggestion happen it just needs to be dynamically there rather than all or nothing. Thanks.
  4. Hi folks! It's been a while since my last visit. Is there any way to know which fonts have been used in my document? Sometimes I get files which have some missing font and can't really find out their name. Thanks for your help! Tamzid
  5. Hello! I have been learning Affinity on my Mac and created a kids book. Then I bought an iPad to continue work on the move and am finding it another whole learning curve. I have used a basic font in the book ‘songti TC’ but when I open the file on my iPad the font has disappeared completely and used another random one? How do I get the same fonts on my computer and iPad? Many thanks
  6. Hi Affinity folks. First thanks for a two good tools, they keep getting better and better. We receive a lot of artwork from our clients as .pdf's, and very often there are used non standard fonts. We need the artwork for TVC's so all we really need to do to it is to export the .pdf's ( sometimes layers by layer ) as .png or .exr so we can use it in the TVC's. Usually we have such short deadlines so there is no time for trying to get the correct fonts, and trying to make the client export to something we can use directly is even more impossible. We are using PS for that at the moment because when PS opens a .pdf with missing fonts, the document can still look correct, but the font layer will be "rasterized" and non editable. I don't know how PS does that but would it be possible to get the same functionality added in Affinity Photo and Designer? Cheers /johs
  7. In Photoshop, when opening a file that has missing fonts, one can choose to ignore the missing font, and any text layers, as long as you don't edit them, will still preserve the appearance of their fonts. It would be great if Affinity could replicate this behavior, as often I need to make just a quick edit to a document without touching the missing text layers. Hunting down the fonts in my folders, activating them, then deactivating them again, once I'm done with the document is quite time-consuming.
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