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Found 7 results

  1. Please, add the LAYER layers to the AP. Without it, the new Publisher's embedded files layer turning functionality is a nonsense. Thank you. Accordingly, there is an error in the Photo help file, where you talk about Layer properties (right click on the Layer in the Layers Panel). ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Hi fellow Affinity users. Having been confined to the house during the Covid pandemic I have taken the opportunity to update the Designer PDF help file to version 1.9 There have been numerous feature additions in this version so you may benefit from updating. I hope you find it useful. I have attached a lower resolution copy of the PDF version of the Affinity Designer IPad apps built in Help file directly to this post. See below. (I have also attached a less compressed (higher resolution) copy's Dropbox โ€œlinkโ€ to a PDF version). You can open the PDF file in a reader or iBook allowing you to view and search the help file while working on a document in Affinity Designer. All links within the document should be working. I hope you find it as useful as I do. Please note that this PDF is not in any way supported by Affinity, nor are they responsible for any errors or omissions, so please do not refer any errors or omissions in the Document to Affinity. Every attempt has been made (by me) to ensure the content is an accurate representation of the built in Help file, however some errors 'may' have slipped through . I will endeavour to keep it up to date (at least for a little while) . When Publisher comes out I may redo the layout (Pages is a little limited in the area of indexing). My Dropbox account is basic and limits daily bandwidth, if you experience a problem downloading just try again next day. Affinity Designer Help File 1.9.1 pdfhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/c2ga6xfx26uhrs8/Affinity%20Designer%20Help%20File%201.9.1.pdf?dl=0 Enjoy Dave Direct link (10mb file size version) linked below: Affinity_Designer_Help_File_1.9.1.zip
  3. When I open the Help file from the menu it does not show correctly. If I cl;ick a link it showas in a small window bottom left. How can this be resolved so the file shows correctly?
  4. Hi, I was using my purchased Affinity today and I was looking at the file help->introduction->key features. I was going down the list of features to see what I was missing in terms of productivity. I closed the help->introduction->key features file, then a little later re-opened it. Between those two times, the file had changed, meaning, items which were listed in the key features document when I first opened it were no longer listed. There are about half a dozen such missing references to features. I will name a few phrases I can recall exactly as they were from memory, the rest are on another computer. references to -"bare metal support" -"openGL" -"OS X" and about 4 others I don't have before me at the moment. I had copied and pasted the key features file the first time I opened it into another separate document, therefore I have absolute proof they were there. These were distinct bullet points in the key features document when I first opened it in Affinity Designer . Then going back just a couple minutes later, they had disappeared completely from that same document. Text searching the key features in Affinity Designer document gave zero hits for these words as did reading the document carefully. Nevertheless, they were (still) in the document I cut copied and pasted them into. So, if I open the key features document and read them, there is no string with "bare metal support" or "bare" or "metal" or anything else. It's like the document changed between openings. Here are things I thought of and eliminated: *My search is case sensitive or in some other way malformed and that's why I am not getting hits. False. For one I am copying exactly the words which are in the document, and unchecking match case and whole words. I also read read and re-read the document in Affinity Designer looking for any and all of the missing words. They're just not there. * I have multiple version of Affinity Designer on my computer. False. *I have multiple Affinity software programs on my computer. False. *Somehow, copying and pasting into a different (text) document revealed text which was otherwise hidden, say through an HTML tag visibility:none or something like this. False. Copy and pasting a second time did not produce the missing text. * The multiple links in the help document which take you to the key features page actually point to different versions of the key features page, and the link that you follow to get to the key features page determines which one you see. False. After long testing, I believe this is also clearly false. I only followed one of three links I have ever laid eyes upon to the key features page and all three give me the same result- mysteriously missing text. I did not peruse the whole help document at all when I first opened it. *Somehow, when I copied and pasted, I mixed the Affinity help document up with some other text from some place else, say my clipboard or another document, and the missing text belongs to that other source. False. Impossible. Specifically, the missing text makes perfect grammatical and semantic sense where it appears. Moreover, the missing text is not in one place, it's distributed throughout the document and each place it appears, it makes perfect sense. Otherwise the two documents are exactly the same, word for word. * I didn't notice that the help file I connected to was a live version from Affinity's site, and that version is different from the local version on my machine. False. Impossible. That I was using machine is not connected to the internet. *I am looking at two completely different pages in the help file, but I don't realize it. False. For one, this was my first time in the help file and I remember where I went and how I got there. For another, there is no two similar such help file documents which differ only by a few words and phrases scattered throughout the document. * Someone else accessed my computer between runs and somehow this accounts for the difference. False. No one else is here, the machine is, as I said, offline and I never moved from my seat. We're talking a difference of 5 minutes or less here. If it were the other way around- the current key features document in Affinity Designer had MORE text than the previous key features document which I had copied and pasted, of course I would conclude I just failed to copy and paste the full document the first time. But that is not the case; the copied document which was produced by accessing the help file the first time has more text. I am left with the hypothesis that Affinity Designer has multiple versions of this file built in to the program and for some reason, Affinity Designer switched the reference between the first time I opened help and the second. This is the first time I opened this file, so if after the first time, it checks something, say my OS version or something, and thereafter presents a file specific to my OS version, then that would explain it. Can the authors of Affinity Designer help or another employee give me some insight into what is going on?
  5. Ok, before I discuss the crash, let's discuss the lack of an image handler here in this forum. I took a screen shot of the crash and can't post it . 'Image' is only looking for a url link to an image. And if you try to use My Media it doesn't have the ability to upload the image. Using Affinity for Windows Beta I was able to crash the help file consistently. After opening the help file and selecting a category and opening the help file if you use a down arrow to scroll through the text it through an Exception error and could not back out of the crash. Affinity knew when I restarted the program there was a crash and asked permission to send a crash report. But after agreeing I assumed that a window would pop up to add information as to what had happened prior to the crash. No such window. I've attached the file, but had hoped to embed.
  6. HI. I spend a lot of time with my ipad when I am on the road or not at my desk. It would be great to have a copy of the Affinity Photo Help file on my ipad to look up stuff or refresh my memory. Lots of us work that way. The video tutorials are great but as I think about them - I would like to look up "alpha channels" or "blend modes" or "hardness" on various brushes etc. Learn in "baby gulps". I suspect you could turn it into a hypertexted pdf quite easily rather than spending $$ on an app given finite resources and LOTS on the roadmap. It would be VERY HELPFUL AND APPRECIATED. As you updated the help file with each release - just replace the pdf or other help creation with the newest one, so you would be addressing your concern of the fact that things will be changing quickly. You will be updating the help file anyways. Anyways, please give it some loving thought. Thanks
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