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  1. At this point, I would find a function called "Automatically distribute columns to content" to be extremely useful. This function should do nothing other than automatically distribute the width of the columns based on the content. At this point, I have to go over here and adjust the spacing manually.
  2. How does a person Cancel a process that they started but realized, as it is in progress that they wanted to cancel it (for whatever reason they have)? I have hit the "Esc" key and that does not do it. Thank you
  3. Currently, the “shear” function of the Transform Studio within Designer only shears objects along the ‘x’ axis, or horizontally. To shear vertically, the user has to turn the target object 45 degrees (on its side), reorient the control handles, perform “shear” function, turn the object 45 degrees in the opposite direction, and either reorient the handles again, or deselect the object and allow the handles to default to their original rotation. If the resulting vertical shear is not correct, the user has to start over to attempt to correct the shear. A second “shear” control would make the vertical shearing process so much easier. The two controls could be named “Shear X” and “Shear Y”, or “Shear Horz” and “Shear Vert”. It would be something to keep users from going crazy while Affinity continues to steer itself down its chosen roadmap and finally implement the Envelope Vector Warp users have been promised. I honestly would really really really really really prefer the Vector Warp, but Vertical Shear I’d be willing to take now. Soon. Like, during the next update.
  4. Affinity Photo for iPad is a powerhouse for editing pictures from digital cameras... one at a time. This philosophy is embedded in every single aspect of the workflow, from importing and making adjustments all the way to exporting. I have created an account on this website precisely to be able to ask the developers or marketers of the app (if they ever read this) who and why they’ve decided to blatantly limit the functionality of the iPad version of the app compared to the desktop version. The fact that this limitation in function is not mentioned anywhere in the description on iTunes Store or in any of the tutorials or promotionals videos is appalling and borders false advertising. But I guess the answer has been in the title all along...after all, it’s Affinity Photo not Affinity Photos... Inquisitively and respectfully, Mihai
  5. Very MUST HAVE feature, when you are selecting points, they appears in own bounding box, and you can manipulate it like an object — scale, rotate warp (add warp). Just like in 3dsmax. Open 3dsmax and just add many coolest features from there, your app will conquer universe. Just from Edit Poly tool. Add extruding edges — killer feature... Just a lot of basic tools and you will be a king... Also: copying along path, matrix, create object arrays etc.; make instances or copies of objects, make it separate type. Make linked or embedded objects. Would be great to have ability to join many edges to one vertex (but the last is like fantastic)))
  6. I dowloaded and started to incorporate Affinity Photo into my workflow. I must say I am very impressed by this software and fully expect to use it instead of Photoshop (Adobe CC goodbye :-)). Having using the full version for a few days (but the beta before) I have found two things I use in photoshop missing (or I failed to find the function in AP). 1. Shake reduction filter. Does not do well on most images but in some cases it can be a savior. I would love this in AP. 2. Radial blur filter using the zoom method. This is a very useful filter when trying ti create (or improve) light rays (e.g. God rays from clouds) But so far this is the only thing I found missing (or haven't found) in AP. Now I only wish for an Affinity Lightroom replacement! :-) Thanks for a great software!!
  7. I`m testing the software since a couple of days and I have some proposals: 1. Its possible to create a function : Edit/back to the last version. Sometimes its good to have it 2. Raw Converter: - I like the functions very much because its very multifunctional, but sometimes its helpful when there are some automatically functions too as well as one automatically function for all, which could be modified. 3. Effects It would be nice to have some default effects, which could be modified.
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