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  1. Hi, Ive just come across a bug while entering IPTC metadata on an image. I accidentally hit the Creative Commons drop down and the list appears and set to one of the provided regulations but when I realised I tried to reset it to None only for the list not to reset properly. Although I can see None in the list it will not let me reset it to None. I’ve made numerous attempts, including rebooting the iPad but it won’t reset. I am a professional and need all my work to show as Copyrighted, I don’t release anything under the Creative Commons regulations. Although I see a tick box for Public Domain there is nothing for copyrighted material. Normal professional IPTC editing software, such as PhotoMechanic, or even Photoshop, allows the user to select a copyrighted option. I don’t see that facility within Affinity Photo. It may appear minor to some users, but real pros need the ability to assert copyright within their images, otherwise the software is pretty much useless to them. Any help gratefully appreciated kind regards Paul Saxby
  2. Hi. I am sorry if this has been asked before but I have searched the forum and cannot find an answer for this. I have been happily using AP for several months and learning lots, and have now got to a stage where I am finalising several bits of work. When I work in Photoshop before going further I would go to File Info and then add the image info such as title, description, relevant searchable keywords, and then add all my copyright info and my url, so once it goes out my image has relevant metadata attached to it to help protect it and identify it should people need to contact me. I cannot find out how I do this ANYWHERE in AP and it is a basic but really critical element to the process. Please can someone advise me where and how I access the file info section for images so I can add this information. I have even converted AP images into jpegs etc and searched that way in case this option only becomes visible with more recognised file types but with no luck. I cannot believe a programme as smart as Affinity has not built this in, as in this day and age it is really important to protect your copyright and also allow your image to become searchable with key words. Thanks in advance for your help
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