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Found 10 results

  1. Hello there Some days ago, my Affinity Photo's eraser tool started to act very strange were every time I try to erase something, I have to click several times to do so. It is like its opacity is set to 30 or so percent. But the opacity setting is at 100%. I have tried with multiple brushes and making a different document, but the problem still persisted. The dynamics settings are also turned off, so it isn't caused by penpressure. EraserProblem.afphoto
  2. Every time I try to use the brush tool on a mask, the brush tool changes to the Eraser tool every time I am in the middle of using the brush tool. I change back to the brush, start to use it and after a few moments it changes to the eraser tool again. I have tried removing the eraser tool from the toolbar but it still, miraculously, returns when using the brush. I am using Mac Big Sur and am on the latest Affinity update 1.93. This is getting very frustrating. I have tried closing down and reopening Affinity, and rebooting my Mac, still to no avail
  3. Hi! I hav a problem with brush tool (especially when I have used different star brush), when I work with making of a card or ad etc. After using the brushes the eraser tool no longer erases, it is a brush! Why, and how, do I fix it?
  4. Is there anything wrong with the eraser tool in trial version for Windows? I got my trial monday and after editing 3 images the eraser didn't work any longer in once edited files. Yestérday the eraser tool stopped working after I used it about 5 times in an open file and editing next images it was the same. Today the eraser tool didn't work from the beginning.
  5. I was following along in a tutorial video and found that my 1.8 Affinity Designer did not have the Eraser tool. I've some other features the software does not have that was in the older version of the Designer.
  6. Hi, I Need help. A few days ago my eraser tool changed the look and now I can't properly erase bits and pieces I don't Need for my artwork. The tool now Looks a bit like a Perforator and it does not erase well, Looks a bit like a Helix. I attached a screenshot. I tried to install Affinity new but the Problem did not go away. 1_eraser.afphoto
  7. I have been using AP for several months with no problem. Recently, however, I started using the Eraser tool rather extensively. The program totally closes pretty often when I go to the top left-hand corner of the window to change the size of my Eraser tool. I have done a soft reset as I read about in another post and the problem persists. I am working on the newest version of AP on a Mac. The crashes have happened when working with different files, so I don't think a particular file is the problem.
  8. When using the paint or eraser tools on the iPad is there anyway of showing where I am drawing? Like on the laptop (Image below)?
  9. Hi, I hope you can understand my poor English :unsure: I tried to make a poster from an Illustartor-tutorial. There is a hill with 2 peaks of snow. In the AI-version is a eraser-tool used, to achieve a rough edge of the snow. AD does not have an eraser, so I used the vector-brush-tool. And it worked well. But the colour of the hill was not satisfying, so I did change it. And also, I wanted to change the colour of the vector-brush. And that did not work at all. I made a video using the history of AD. There are 2 videos, they are showing a simple version in 2 ways, because it was not possible to record the layer-palette and the history completely on one screen. I wanted to change the dark blue colour to another one (not that awful green, but it's good for demonstration purpose), either the hill as well as the erased snow, but the snow should stay white. As you can see, that either the dark blue erased object, made by the vector-brush, did not change the colour to green, or the snow became green. What is wrong? How can I change the colour of the brushed snow from dark blue to green? Video 1.zipVideo 2.zip Falls jemand besser deutsch versteht als ich englisch schrieben kann: Ich wollte das Beispiel für ein Poster, das für den Adobe Illustrator erstellt wurde, in AD nachbauen. Da das Problem jederzeit reproduzierbar ist, habe ich eine vereinfachte Version des Vorgangs aufgezeichnet. 2 Videos deshalb, weil die Farbauswahl, die Ebenenpalette und die History nicht gleichzeitig auf dem Bildschirm Platz hatten. Ich habe also einen dunkelblauen Berg erstellt, einen hellblauen Himmel und 2 weiße Ellipsen für die Schneespitzen. Diese Ellipsen wurden dann unter den Berg gezogen. Im Original wurde im AI ein Eraser benutzt, um die runden Kanten des Schnees rau zu machen. Da ich im AD keinen Radierer kenne, habe ich den Vektorpinsel mit der Farbe des Bergs verwendet. Das hat auch gut funktioniert. Als ich dann beim Poster langsam fertig wurde stellte ich fest, dass ich die Farbe des Bergs etwas ändern wollte, was ja auch kein Problem war. Allerdings musste ich auch den Bereich, der mit dem Vektorpinsel erstellt wurde, an die neue Farbe des Bergs anpassen. Zur besseren Darstellung habe ich absichtlich ein helles grün genommen. Damit bin ich gescheitert. gegen Ende der Videos erkennt man, dass ich die Farbe nicht ändern konnte bzw., dass sich die Farbe des weißen Schnees geändert hat. Weiß jemand, was ich da falsch gemacht habe oder hätte ich ein anderes Werkzeug anstelle des Vektorpinsels verwenden müssen?
  10. I'm new to affinity, trying it out to see if I like it. But I'm struggling here.... How do you delete or erase part of a line segment in a shape? I have two overlapping shapes, and I want to make them into one and delete the overlap. I rasterized the shape, but is there a way to un-rasterize it in its new form? Or is there a way to get a cleaner cut from a line segment with out it being pixelated in the first place?
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