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  1. Hi everybody, I believe this will turn out to be a feature request, 'cause I can't find anything on destructive cropping. But just to be sure I post this one on the question forum first. I might be missing a feature here. I find myself looking for ways to destructive crop vector illustrations to bounds. By lacking a better feature for this I use the boolean tools everytime now, but that's pretty time consuming and far from efficient to do this. I know there are some ways to mask and crop things in a non-destructive way, but for the projects I do I need this to be destructive. What I am looking for is actually a way to 'apply' a mask or crop. I would be surprised if there is no feature for this, but I can't find one either. Anybody knows how to apply a mask/clip so the paths are changed destructively only leaving the wanted result? The way I do it now is just way too much work for a thing I do so often and not the nicest thing to do. Thanks! 20181027 destructive cropping.mp4
  2. Is there any information on when, or even if, we will ever get a Destructive Crop option? Finally learned (thanks again to all who helped) how to create more than one border for an image but I still have to Save it as a Tiff, close the window, and reload the image if I have done any cropping or leveling.
  3. There are times when it useful to permanently and completely get rid of all surplus material outside the image border. In other words a destructive crop. Could we have an option on the Crop tool property bar to do this please?
  4. Is there an option in APhoto, as there is in Photoshop, to do a "Destructive" Crop? At this point, in order to actually eliminate the cropped off area, I have to Crop, then Export as Tiff, and re-Open the Tiff. Then I can resize and do other things without that freaking Non-Destructive Crop screwing things up. An option to turn it off (a set-once Preference would be even better) would make the already cumbersome process to add a mat, a Stroke (Outline) and a Drop Shadow (Outer Shadow) considerably less so.
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