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  1. hello , does anyone knows how can i decrease the nodes like the following picture ? thanks in advanced
  2. Hi I'm a Dane trying out affinity. My problem is: our keyboards look different from the US keyboard (see attachment). We have three additional letters. I have found US shortcuts list and most of them works perfectly. BUT the increase/decrease brush size doesn't work as our three additional letters is placed where the shortcut should be. Is there another shortcut I can use? Or can I make my own shortcut? //Søren Bjerg
  3. Greetings All! I have a question about increasing/decreasing brush size in Affinity Designer's Draw and Pixel persona. Note: I have my Wacom tablet setup to change brush size via mapping [ and ] to pen rocker switch. I've noticed that the value for increasing, or decreasing, brush size appears variable, with no consistency. For example, I start with a brush size of 10, click ] to go up, brush is increased to 11.8. If I click [ and go down, the brush is now 9.8... not 10. Is there anyway to set, or lock down, the brush increase/decrease value? The reason I ask, is I'm doing artwork for a comic strip and I vary between two brush sizes. It would help if my increase/decrease was a set value, as I end up having to do a lot of clean-up work on brush strokes in post. Regards, jB
  4. hi, what is a shortcut for increase or decrease the brush-size? i cant find them? the help I do not understand in photo affinity ;-( Shortcut (^) where is this on my mac - keyboard ?!??!?! thanks
  5. Freehand MX had the ability to increase or decrease the size of a path/object - will or does Affinity have this option? Very helpful tool I use often - thanks for the help.
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