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  1. Some time ago I produced a macro to Wrap an Image around a Bottle or Mug. This involved some complex trigonometrical operations on the image. I present here an alternative approach for a macro to perform the same action. Here is my original image: o It is easily possible to produce an equation that contracts the image width-wise to emulate the reduction in perceived width as the image is wrapped. Such an equation has the form: x=w/2+(w/2-x)*pi/2 and has the result of: The contraction is uniform across the reduced width. The expression pi/2 is the appropriate scaling for a bottle diameter that accepts the image around its half-circumference. What I was aiming for was a function that would scale the edges so that they appeared contracted, whilst applying zero scaling to the centre of the image. After much trial and error, I came up with this: x=w/2-(w/2-x)*(1+1.571*(1-sqrt(1-(1-2*x/w)^2))) Edit: Note that this has a minus sign after the first w/2. The original had a plus sign. The value 1.571 is just half pi. The resulting image is: This is a single result. I have further refined by including a scaling parameter, a, which accentuates the compression at the edges. w/2+(w/2-x)*(1+(1.571/a)*(1-sqrt(1-(1-2*x/w)^2))) Here it is with the a parameter around half. Note that in these images, the central squares remain square. Edit: Like my previous version it has a parameter (in this case b) which affects the viewpoint, above or below. If you want to use this then you need to enlarge the canvas vertically beforehand to give room for the curvature. You may wish to use Document > Clip Canvas at the end in this case. Edit: various members had pointed out that the final image was flipped horizontally. This has now been fixed. I have also added Layer > Unlock and Layer > Rasterize at the start of the macro. I have not added a clip canvas at the end. Do you think that this is desirable? Here is the macro: WrapAroundV2.afmacro John
  2. I was commissioned to make a label for a Mead Brew. I figured I would make a bottle to put the logo on.
  3. In a recent post in Questions, @Maxxxworld asked how he could warp an image to apparently wrap it around a bottle. I posted a solution to his problem there, which I expand upon here. Consider the facing semicircle of the bottle as seen in this diagram: The visible part of the label extends from -90 degrees (on the left, not shown) to 90 degrees on the right. This will correspond to the width of the original image. This will project onto the final width of the image (the line below). The final width is less than the original width by a factor of pi/2. A bit of trigonometry shows that the sine of the Angle indicated is given by (x-halfwidth)/halfwidth, where halfwidth is both the label and the final image. Putting this together and re-arranging a bit gives us an Equation: x=(asin(2*x/w-1)*w/180)*pi/2+w/2 A bottle is typically viewed from above, so that the label has a curve, typically with a dip in the middle.This can easily be simulated using equations, using: y=y-Const*x*(w-x)/w/w The Constant determines the depth and direction of the curve. I have used the expression w*(0.5-a) as a scaling factor, where a is a parameter chosen at runtime. This will change the curve from negative (curving down) at the default a=1 to positive at a=0. Inserting this into the equation gives: y=y+(0.5-a)*x*(w-x)/w Note that the w in the numerator and denominator cancel out. The value of (0.5-a) determines the curvature as described above. As an example, here is the Great West Window of Chester Cathedral. I chose this because it has lots of verticals to see how the filter affects it. (It has verticals once I had put it through the Mesh Warp.) And here is the image after the filter: Before filtering I cropped it close to the sides of the window and then Rasterized it to remove the invisible sides. I then added space at the top and bottom to allow room for the curvature part to operate. I then followed this by Clip Canvas to remove surplus transparent ends. The calculations for this filter are complicated by the algorithm that Affinity uses to effect these equations, which I explain in this Tutorial here. I have created a macro that effects the filter, and then uses Clip Canvas. By clicking on the cogwheel, you can alter the degree and direction of curvature. EDIT: I have discovered that this macro will only perform once (per Affinity Photo session). I add here a version recorded in version 1.8 which does work properly in Photo 1.8: WrapAround1.8.afmacro I alos onclude here the original macro, recorded in version 1.7: WrapAround.afmacro John
  4. Big shoutout to Affinity Photo! First time user of this sort of software. Tried Adobe first and was a little confused. Probably a great program also but did not like subscription based price point and stumbled upon this little gem. I am completely blown away! Will be posting some of my projects here to share and to highlight the capabilities of this program. I am still in the beginner stages but did take an online coarse which helped greatly. Then went back to James Ritson's tutorials and it really sunk in! I do have a couple of questions that I will post later on regarding memory usage and such when dealing with large files but other than that I am very happy with the program so far. Hope to hear from you all here and here is one of my projects I am currently undergoing.
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