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  1. Could references, in-text citations and bibliography features be added for Publisher? I would love to be able to create text boxes where you put all of the sources you have used in with specific formatting (e.g. APA, MLA) and have the text box auto-sort the references alphabetically. Later on, when I want to reference the source in text, it would be cool if there was an auto-complete feature where if you hit a hotkey and start typing the title of the book or author name, Affinity searches for the reference and places it in the text as a cross-reference of some sort. I think it would be good to use cross-references for this, because that will allow you to make specific formats (e.g. just a [1], [2] or [Author name, date], (Author name, date, page number). If this could be part of Publisher, it would save a lot of time and might attract people who use dedicated referencing/ bibliography software.
  2. Hi, I try to translate a LaTeX project into Affinity publisher (only 29 pages, a lot of pictures). Not really easy: - missing references like "show on chapter 1 at page 4" - missing possibility to label some element (chapter, sub chapter) - no possibility to set capture and label pictures, - only a workaround for parts (like part 1 - contains some closed chapters) - missing possibility to define print structure: front page, empty page (ore copyright), parts - missing typesetter specials I will check the workaround for references from Mr. walt. Sounds good.
  3. It would be great if AP would come with a similar "Symbol" functionality as AD. Could as well be called "personal graphics library" ... consisting out of (single or multilayer) documents that could be inserted in various documents as "instances" ... (references - internal as well as external). I could think of a multitude of situations where such a functionality would be extremely useful (Logosd, Watermarks, linked content from externam sources etc). And since the general code for such a functionality is already implemented in AD ... and will be essential in any publishing product in the future ... Just my 2 cents ;-), Cheers, Timo
  4. Hi thanks all for keeping up with this great apps package. I would like to know if it is possible to create a document and drag into this document 3 other files that would be place as layer, but would be updated if those file would be changed or modified individualy by someone else on another package. I would like them to be updated in my document and keept as external references. Then if I want to convert them as embed within my document and break this external link I would like to have this option to do so as well. Let me know as I would like to know if I can base my next project pipeline on your apps. Regards.
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