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  1. Happens to me on AD and AP, apologies if this has been posted before, couldn't find it mentioned. Issue is with any of the shape tools (cog, polygon, star, etc). Happens every time in any document. If I try to set the shape parameters by dragging on the parameter label, it appears to be changing the value alright. However, as soon as I move to another parameter the previous setting is reset in the shape itself, though interestingly not in the parameter UI value. Attached a video of this issue in action. Changing the values by entering numbers manually and committing with ENTER, or by using the orange control knobs on the shape itself seems to work fine. Thanks! Screen Recording 2024-07-09 at 9.07.39.mov
  2. I'm sorry if this has been reported before, but I couldn't find an specific post regarding the problem using the search function. When you create many of the quick shapes and want to change their parameters, the shapes go back to their original states after you click outside of them, rendering them unusable. I created a little video to explain the issue. Thank you for your help! Shapes.mp4
  3. #1. STAR shape tool automatically defaults IMMEDIATELY after you select how many points, etc. Not good. Ill post video. #2. REFRESH PROBLEM with raster brushes!!!!! You see me scribbling... .i see NOTHING.... unless I go back and scribble over where I drew to refresh those pixels. Can 2.5.3 fix this? Screen Recording 2024-06-18 at 5.48.23 PM.mov Screen Recording 2024-06-18 at 5.42.30 PM.mov
  4. The scrubby adjustment method for adjusting shapes is not working properly on AD2 Beta 2.5.2 (2478), on a 27" mac running Sonoma. Create a new document. I've tried a few shapes with approximately the same result, but select and draw a star. Use the scrubby adjustment method to change the number of points, then click outside the bounding box and the number of points returns to 5. Change the number of points using the numeric input field and it works. Then use the scrubby to change the number, deselect the star. The number of points returns to the one set using the input field. Changing the Inner radius using the scrubby method results in the same problem. Changing Outer circle seems to work, but the input field shows 0 when the shape is deselected and again selected. And trying to change the Outer circle using the scrubby moving to the left won't work because AD thinks it's already at 0, but it's not. A slight scrubby move to the right and the Outer circle jumps back to 0. The Inner circle is the same as Outer circle. I get this result regardless of being in the shape tool or the move tool. The released version of 2.4.2 does not have this problem. I have not loaded the newest release version yet. I am assuming it acts the same as the beta.
  5. When applying a warp group to text, it always resets to the default value. I cannot set it to something else. screen.mp4
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