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Found 5 results

  1. There's an instant crash bug with some of the Notes panel menu commands such as "Update Document Settings from Selected Sidenote/Footnote/Endnote" or "Revert All Sidenotes to Document Settings". Here are a couple of crash reports. Affinity Publisher 2 Beta-2023-07-02-184226.ips Affinity Publisher 2 Beta-2023-07-02-193642.ips I haven't figured out the conditions that lead to the crash yet. If I delete some pics from my document the crash won't occur which led me down the path of thinking it might have something to do with the hidden notes bug. I think the following thread is the first report of the hidden notes bug but I can't find a tagged thread so perhaps it's not been looked at yet. There's a good test doc in the linked thread. Note that when a note is hidden the layer visibility icon in the Layers panel will be off so it seems to be deliberate. For me, my sidenotes are in the right spot, just hidden, and doing something as minor as adding a paragraph return will make three of them reappear or disappear. I'm using master page text frames but the test doc in this linked thread uses a regular frame so it's not specific to masters.
  2. Ich habe ein Buchprojekt aus MS Word in Affinity Publisher importiert, was auch grundsätzlich funktioniert. Auf einzelnen Seiten bleibt der Fußnotenbereich jedoch weiß. Wendet man die Schaltfläche "zum Fußnotenkörper" auf die betreffenden Fußnoten an, wird ein dafür vorgesehener Rahmen am Ende der Seite markiert. In der Ebenenübersicht sieht man jedoch, dass die betreffende Ebene deaktiviert ist und sie lässt sich auch nicht aktivieren. Ist dieses Problem bzw. eine Lösung dafür bekannt?
  3. I have some strange formatting issues with Footnotes. I have text where the only Flow setting is 'Prevent widowed last lines' but on one page there is a big blank space at the bottom of the page, about 8 lines worth of space. The line that is at the top of the next page has two footnotes, each a single line of text. There's no reason there shouldn't be more lines on the first page, and those footnotes also on that page. The next footnote isn't for another 10 lines or so. In theory there should be about 5 more lines on the first page, and the two footnotes underneath them. There doesn't seem to be any explanation for such a large gap on the page.
  4. I'm very close to finishing the layout of the book I'm working on, but I can't finish it until AF-279 gets fixed, so the footnotes show up properly. Any chance this will get fixed this beta cycle? I haven't seen anyone from Serif mention this bug recently, but it's still there, and makes it impossible to publish a book with many footnotes. I'm holding out hope I won't have to scrap all the work I've done in Affinity Publisher and move it to another app to actually publish the book.
  5. I encountered a weird situation in Affinity Publisher 2.1.1 that fortunately appears reproducible. (I'm using Windows 10 version 22H2 OS Build 19045.3324) I'm going through my book, adding footnotes on every page. It's working just fine until I reached page 94. There, the seven footnotes have disappeared. When I click on them in the Layers panel, they are there (see footnotes 1.PNG). Just blank boxes. When I add another footnote, they appear (see footnotes 2.PNG) I typed something in the box and clicked away, and the footnotes are still there. (footnotes 3.png) If I delete the footnote by backspacing over the number (which I put in the first line on the page), they disappear again. My book file is attached with the blank footnotes. If you want the footnotes to appear, tighten the Tracking on the big paragraph on page 92 and go into the footnotes on page 93 and remove the three blank lines. It should reappear. I tightened up a few paragraphs on previous pages to make the footnotes appear, so fortunately I can keep working. Regards. affinity publisher bug.afpub
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