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  1. In Publisher, I keep mistakenly printing dozens of pages because the number of copies to print is maintained across documents. I'll print 5 copies of a 1 page document, then go to print 1 copy of a 10 page document and print 50 pages by mistake. Eventually I'll learn (sometimes I remember to check) but this seems like a very unforgiving setting. When I'm in a hurry I keep screwing up. I've probably wasted a hundred sheets at this point. It's a much smaller deal to hit print twice than it is to print tons of extra stuff by mistake.
  2. Would be nice if you could add an option to reset the number of copies every time I print. Remembering the number is often annoying.
  3. The number of copies from the previous print job is retained (V
  4. If I have printed 50 pages and I start to print the next document, the Number printed remembers the last number printed. Which means I have to stop the printing to bring it back to print one page as a default. Is there a default where I can set printing to one page?
  5. Hello, I just recently started using affinity directly for printing production, but I got a bit frustrated by how the dialog box remember and forget things. So the scenario is that: I sent something for print and select artboard 1 and make 20 copies. All nice and fine. But if I press to print again the dialog box forget what artboard I selected last time, but still remember how many copies I entered. I think it will be better and faster if the dialog box could keep what was the last printed artboard but reset back to 1 the number of copies. So if you want to print another 5 extra copies you will just need to enter this while the dialog box have preserved which artboard you printed. Now this is just a matter of how I'm used to work, but it seems to me like the faster way if you want to print extra from the job you are already printing. Also the auto rotate doesn't seem to work, I have a landscape artboard and it will not turn to fit the portrait paper that I have in the printer (and configured in printer's dialog) and I can see in the preview. I'm I doing something wrong here or it have something to do with the printer drivers that is out of your control?
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