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  1. I need a private link to upload a file so you can see how it's misrendering, something it handles fine in the release version (2.4.1) I previously reported this as a bug on export, but it seems the bug has now infected the regular display rendering as well.... WRONG (latest beta 2.4.2) RIGHT (Retail 2.4.1)
  2. Hi, I want to export what I have on my canvas, it doesn't seem like I can do that, the output is quite different, either with .png or with .jpg. In Pixel View mode everything looks fine. What might be causing this? Thanks
  3. Hello, Gradient Overlay layer FX causes AD to incorrectly render objects with that attribute upon export, example below. On the left is the incorrect export, on the right is how it appears in Export Persona. I'd be happy to supply the offending file to a private upload link for Dev review. Thanks for all you do! Happy New Year!!
  4. Hi, I have added a gradient FX to an image. When exporting it (CMD+Shift+S) I'm not getting what I see on screen. Behold! Johan
  5. I'm using Affinity Designer 2.0.4 on Windows. I'll report a possibly bug of gradient overlay on layer effects. I'm sorry if someone else has already reported it. How to reproduce: 1. Make a text layer. 2. On the text layer click "Layer Effects" button and turn on "gradient overlay", and set one or some gradient color point's opacity to 0 (or low value). 3. Export Image(Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S) I suppose opacity value of gradient map affects the opacity of text color itself when exporting. I switched hardware acceleration from GTX1050Ti to WARP and issue hasn't changed. Thank you. gradient map issue.afdesign
  6. Hello everybody! This is the first time I participate in the forum, so forgive me if I make any mistake with the rules, please. I am not english native so my explanation or understanding of technical terms might be short or difficult. Recently I´ve had issues in two situations which involve exporting to PDF using CMYK to send to a printing house. I use Mac Os X Catalina and last version of Designer (1.10.4). Firs case, I tried to export a file that have been created in RGB to PDF and CMYK. The file doesn´t keep the shadows nor the brushes applied as an effect to a vector element. Behind the elements there were blank spaces that appeared in many areas of the canvas. This doesn´t happen when exporting to JPG in CMYK. I don´t know if the problem can happen because the combination of vector and pixels layers in the same file. (Please see file attached: Cover_FueElectrico.pdf). In addition, with a larger file (280 mb), the computer is not able to export a PDF, also in CMYK. The computer doesn´t crash and in the process start to fill up the storage capacity when there was more than 100 gb of free space (the computer advised me to delete files, and the storage descended to 3 gb aproximately). So it was imposible to export the file, and had to copy paste the elements to Adobe Illustrator and export with no problems, only the extra task of redimensionate the elements and some fail conversions with text elements. I wonder if there is a problem with the last update of the program: in May I worked with similar file from which I have reused all the elements to the new I´ve been working during last days. In May I could export under the same conditions with no problems at all. I am not sure if this is the place to comment this. And don´t know if is an issue caused by me because of my work process or some bug with the last program update. I would like to solve these issues as I am really happy using Affinity and want to continue using it. Hope anybody could give me some recomendations to find a solution. Thanks in advance. Cover_FueElectrico.pdf
  7. hello ! I have a problem with the export of a file gradient.afdesign. I have a gradient effect on the image and the appearance in export is quite weird and does not look like the result in the app. Thanks for helping Thomas
  8. People suggest it is because of the subtle gradient layer effect. Test.afdesign
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