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Posts posted by VectorCat
my bad..Imwas talking about designer. the photo tools are excellent, yes.
so..if I want something skewed, warped, bent, etc, I need to get a reference layer involved..a photo, a sketch, and simply draw that shape.
I purchased a license for photo weeks ago..just tonight I was asked for my apple id password..
should this happen? shouldn’t paid-for apps “know” that they’re paid-for/legit?
is there a way to do this?
thank you
long click/tap and hold does nothing..could this be for the desktop version?
easy enough..thanks for the answer!
is this correct behavior in that if you want to make a shape, you must click on the shape tool once to activate it, a second time to make it fly out and show the shape choices?
is there a way to automatically trace raster images so that vector art is the result? I’m referring to the tracing that illustrator and inkscape both do.
I’m talking about AD for iOS.
Thank you! It’s good to know about this function for when I take my project to the Mac.
So are the details....
I’m working on a magazine-size spread. each page is 8.375” wide by 10.875” tall. The spread therefore is 2(8.375) X 10.875” or: 16.75” x 10.875”
If I enter these dimensions, AD will allow me to check the check mark, but if I go into “Resize Document” to review what it thinks the dims are, I see that it has switched it to:
16.00 x 10.00 I tried multiple times and couldn’t get AD to simply accept my dimensions. I made sure that I was dealing in inches and 300 dpi.
Now, I just tried it on a fresh document and AD seems to be accepting and retaining: 16.75” x 10.875”
So, almost feels that I may have done something in the set-up of the first document from which there is no recovery or change possible?
I’ve created a new document size with the dimensions I want in inches..a print size not in whole numbers; AD changes them! Doesn’t seem to be a size limit bcs when I pick larger, whole-numbers, AD doesn’t change them.
Im dealing in inches. any thoughts? Does AD not “like” decimal sizes?
thank you
yeah..if it had been a snake it would’ve bit me...
yeah, the crosshairs appeared. layer says, “Pixel” above the name I gave it. initially, tho crosshairs visible, the result of painting was not; turns out I’d been painting on another layer without knowing it..
I went back in in the history to a point prior to the weird (to me) behavior and got the clone tool to behave like a scalpel..beautifully.
based on my (newbie) experience, can you guess at what mistake I made? I’m new to affinity photo, not new to image editing.
when using clone tool, a message appears saying “you must press and hold to set a source” or words to that effect. I press and hold but no cloning is then enabled when I try to...clone.
I know what clone/rubber stamp tools need to instruct app which pixels are the source, and then you brush to deposit them elsewhere.
after pressing and holding, I don’t see anything indicating, “press and hold registered. proceed with cloning.” I do see a little teensie crosshairs, indicating source, which of course moves as you move the stylus, but no cloning/rubber stamping occurs.
is there a...special kind of “press and hold” that I’m not getting? Thank you!
Edit: using the history tool, I swept forward and backward and it *appears* that I sources one layer, painted on another, despite having the layer I wanted to work on as the layer I was actually on (according to the layer studio). Seems like a very powerful feature, but the visual information I was given didn’t support the actual behavior that I got..curious.
I’m using the latest version..
I can grok that..thank you!
5 minutes ago, stokerg said:
Hi VectorCat,
When tapping on Open/Import from Cloud, it should then access the Files app, with the locations of iCloud, On My iPad and then any other cloud services you have set up. Do you not get those options? Also by saving as a copy, it doesn't put anything on the pasteboard/buffer, it just saves a copy of that file in the location you select
Indeed I do get those options. Thank you for clarifying, stokerg.
Thank you, stokers;
So, artboards should be thought of as an area where art “resides” and is visible only within the bounds of the artboard, and any parent/child locking or unlocking needs to be done to groups and layers under the artboard?
If artboard is moved within the document, children move with it, but the artboard possesses no parental role over the layers in terms of locking/unlocking? But toggling artboard visibility does toggle child visibility, assuming said child object visibility is on.
An artboard can be deleted without deleting children; there is an option to keep/discard children when deleting an artboard.
When I Save a Copy, I can designate where in Files I want the copy saved to, but then AD/iOS doesn’t “see” it from the ‘make a new document’ sees the Cloud, and Photos but not the paste buffer or Files.
Is this correct behavior, and if so, what’s the rationale? thank you.
Edit: The Save As copy can be shared with AD frome Files. If no document is open in AD, this shared document will open.
Thank you, Dan
Are you saying that if the parent is selected *and* Lock Children is not on, then the children are selected even if it doesn’t look like they are?
Whew! I feel a little bit better that it’s not just me. I tried to puzzle things out by tinkering with locking/unlocking. I don’t see a logic.
You can:
- lock a parent; it’s children will be unlocked and selectable - even when all is not visible
- lock a parent and individually lock each child - then, things seem to be truly locked-down and safe
- unlock a child item (parent locked) but not be able to select the unlocked child, which contradicts #1!
Also, selecting the top level of a group won’t result in the children being selected. If these issues are on the to-do list, cool, but meanwhile, I’m using AD hot n heavy and I need to find some way of controlling layers, artboards, parents and children and the conventions I’m used to don’t seem to be applying.
it’s a wee bit unsettling..maybe like many people, I rely on being able to quickly lock and unlock things by leveraging the parent/child relationship.
edit: still experimenting here. the use of artboards seems to be involved with things behaving strangely (to me) regarding parent/child locking and unlocking.
I just made a simple document with no art boards. 3 shapes. select all 3 and group. lock the group and neither parent nor child can be selected. this is the convention I’m used to. However, expand the group in layers (group still locked) unlock and tap on a child, it becomes selected. This is very powerful. It seems not to break convention bcs you “go into” the layers to get at the child.
I need artboards but I need predictable locking and unlocking more, so maybe I’ll just improvise until things are straightened out, or the convention is revealed, cuz I just don’t git it!
I do see your point, Alfred. Maybe it’s confusing to me. I think of an artboard as an area, but it seems to be treated as a type of layer, too. that’s a new convention to me.
what is also new to me is having a parent be locked, but it’s children be unlocked. guides are neither artboards nor layers but visual aides, and they seem not to be behaving to any conventions I’m familiar with.
I apologize for posting what could seem like duplicate questions. to me, they seem distinct as I’ve encountered them.
so, if I have an artboard locked an not visible, how come I can accidentally select and modify that artboard’s children?
do I have to individually lock each and every child item?
If so, big bag of hurt!
my goal is to be able to protect the contents of an artboard or group by locking the parent: one move, rather than locking each and every child: potentially dozens of moves.
can many items be locked/unlocked by locking/unlocking their parent?
In the layer studio if I select a parent, all of whose children are unlocked, as is the parent, shouldn’t all the children (not just some of them) become active/selected, too?
asked for app store password?!
in Pre-V2 Archive of Affinity on Desktop Questions (macOS and Windows)
due respect, that’s non sequitur. you can’t download it without paying, and both the app and the ipad seem to be informed of this in some way. when not connected to the web, the ipad continues to “know” which apps are/are not paid for.
so, if an app suddenly needs confirmation that it’s been paid for, then , in lay terms, I’d say sumpin’s broke. more specific language, whichever bit assures all concerned parties that the app has been paid-for isn’t getting read, or isn’t being believed.