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Posts posted by VectorCat

  1. The attached screenshot is of 3 “Donut” shapes created on Publisher 2 for iPad, while in Publisher persona.

    While I can easily make successive donuts snap one inside the other so that the outside of one falls exactly on the inside of the one around it.

    Are there tools to ensure that all of the donuts has the same width as the others? I can do it by eye, or I could make a little box of x-width to use as a standard, but I’m hoping there’s a tool in the software that make short and accurate work of this little task.

    Thank you

    concentric rings.png

  2. 6 hours ago, walt.farrell said:

    No, because when S = L = 100% then changing Hue has no effect. And as the Color Replacement Brush changes only the Hue, it has no effect on a white object either. (You would also find it has no effect on a Black object, I think.)


    While you and I as humans would say that the N95 photo is of a "white" mask, if that image were truly white, we wouldn't see anything but white. But in fact we see colors or tones that are not white - albeit very close to white. Not as colorful as a photo of an amazon parrot, but it is an RGB image and I'd think that Photo could change whatever pixels are there. Perhaps vibrant colors are required for the "Color Replacement Brush" to truly shine. If I look very closely, I can see a color of my choosing being imparted, but it's faint, probably because, as you intimated, it isn't a colorful enough image from the software's point of view..too many tones for which the R, G and B are pretty close to each other. Just thinking out loud here..

    maybe PaulEC's suggestion to use the regular brush in Multiply will get me where I need to go.

  3. I'm trying to isolate an N95 mask. I've made a selection using the Selection Brush Tool, but now I can't seem to get 2 things to happen at the same time:


    1. Show the marching ants, AND

    2. Show the full artwork - all channels at the same time.

    Screen capture shows where I'm at so far. Trying to shrink my selection by a pixel or two, then hit Delete to rid the small amount of dark background that remains after having made my initial selection.


    Thank you for any clues.

    selection to marching ants.png

  4. Good morning and thank you, Walt;

    I’ve posted both the file and a screen movie of what I did in that file.  For some reason it appears that a master page element is affected by my adjustment as opposed to just the one, single item (an image of a sunny sky).  

    Is there a way to instruct Publisher / Photo persona to adjust only the desired, selected item, and no other items?

    Thank you

    cant color adjust one item only.afpub

  5. Screen Video shows what I did. Image is an apple surrounded by white. I selected all the white, and the selection appears to be selecting just the white, but when I hit delete, the entire image is evacuated, as though there was no selection made, and that Designer didn’t know what the selection means.

    Is there a way to select all the white (or whatever) and then, using one key, and not having to use the eraser, delete what’s selected, leaving what’s not selected behind?

    Thank you

  6. When moving an object relative to others, you see those small spacing numbers which help you see distance and balance one side to the other. Is it possible to make those numbers linger just a bit longer? 

    This may sound weird, but in the time it takes me to move my eyeballs from one number to it’s other-side counterpart, the numbers disappear or time out. Such useful information!

    Thank you

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