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Posts posted by VectorCat

  1. I've made a brown line I wish to become a black line - same shape and thick / thin of line; simply change its color to black.

    I have a marching ants selection of the line made with ths Select Sampled Color Tool. I see no way to then fill that selection with a new color. If I select any other tool, the marching ants vanish.

    We make selections so that we can do something to the selected pixels. Is there another step to allow me to fill this marching ants selection with a different color?

    Thank you!

  2. On 11/2/2020 at 6:21 PM, D.R. said:

    I mean, I understand your point and that is what I'll have to be reduced to doing. However, I've used Affinity Publisher to create shapes/graphics for my print book, and I would just like my eBook to match as closely as possible. 

    I love Affinity Publisher, and I hope they will be able to support eBook formats soon.

    D.R. - are you a Mac user and do you have Pages? Can you export your graphics for use in Pages?

  3. 14 hours ago, carl123 said:

    Also check you have not accidentally switched off "Edit all Layers". That one still catches me out occasionally.

    It really needs to be highlighted (a lot) better on the light interface

    where is "Edit all layers" located? Doesn't seem to be on the Layers pallet. While I was working with this particular item, I had just selected and moved it mere seconds earlier, and in the intervening time made no changes to the layer such as lock, or to is parent; I was in the heat of actually moving items on my layout.

  4. 14 hours ago, GarryP said:

    Are the layers you are trying to select, but can’t, on a Master Page?
    I think you can only select certain types of layer (e.g. Artistic Text) from a master page – via the canvas – while you are editing a ‘normal’ page.
    I believe this is expected behaviour to make it easier to not accidentally select layers which you don’t normally want to change.

    No. In the document in question, the master page contains nothing at all.

  5. Thank you Old Bruce.

    So, when creating styles, always consult the character panel to make sure everything is zeroed out, so that the style has free reign over the styled text?

    How does one handle the case in which you're formatting text using the non-style tools, then you get it just the way you want to, and then want to make a style from the selection? You have to go back and clean out all of those values? That would seem like a lot of unnecessary work and headaches.

  6. 10 minutes ago, walt.farrell said:

    Do you have Use Baseline Grid set for the document? (It's set in the Baseline Grid Manager.)

    If so, that will take precedence, unless the Text Frame says to "Ignore Baseline Grid".

    I just checked Ignore Baseline Grid in the Text Frame pallet. No change.

    why so hard to get a document to let go of adherence to the baseline? I need to have control restored to me. Is there some universal control that de-effectuates the baseline grid's effect on my document?

  7. I see no " Baseline Grid Manager"

    This is to me an unusually complex problem to solve, where, imo, it ought to be in just one place. In this conversation there seem to be multiple places which could be harming my efforts.

    And, ought not a paragraph-level style be the Final Word? If a text has a paragraph style applied, those are its marching orders. Correct?

  8. 1 hour ago, walt.farrell said:

    The conversion happens if you touch (click) the rectangle with a text tool.


    So it does, yes! I just confirmed on another Mac. When I resume work on the initial Mac tomorrow morning, I'll take a look at the history to see whether I did do this, but after my experiment just now, it's clear that it would be vanishingly simple to have done that to my rectangle.

    In any case, a good learning experience for me, and I thank you for bringing it to the discussion!

  9. 1 hour ago, walt.farrell said:

    And there's no possibility that you touched it with a Text Tool after creating it, thus turning it into a Shape Text object?

    It definitely is possible. I think it unlikely because after creating that box, I set to getting it to look how I need it re: fill and stroke.

    Yet, I take your point. It certainly is possible that your scenario could've happened, and apparently touching an active Rectangle with a Text Tool will transform that Rectangle into a Shape Text. I shall pay extra attention to watching what I do with my tool usage / selection.

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