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  1. Message to Leigh, Thanks for the message. I installed the update 1.8.2 on March 17th. Haven't had time yet to see if that resolves the problem - please be patient as had a heart attack so been a bit pre-occupied! Will try to get round to it towards the end of this week or early next week. Then will let you know if it works. Thanks again. Amy
  2. Hi Leigh, Have just done this. File explorer brought up no results. Had to follow Walt's instruction (thank you, Walt) to use windows key and R. Brought up: %AppData%\Affinity\Publisher\1.0 AND %AppData%\Affinity\Publisher\1.0(Beta) Changed first one to %AppData%\Affinity\Publisher\1.0 Old Restarted laptop. Opened Affinity Publisher. OK. Opened my file. OK. I have had to do this 3 times now. Tried to do anything with file and either immediately, or after inserting a text frame and then while trying to change its position or size (using the 'transform' box bottom right to input cm values), got the 'Not Responding' message again. Also: opened Publisher and my file, and then (having Publisher taking up 2/3 of laptop screen) clicked on screen outside Publisher to open a folder with an Open Office file in it (essential as contains list of exact frame sizes and positions for book). Soon as clicked anywhere not in the publisher screen the whole thing froze. Every time this happens, Publisher freezing and showing 'Not Responding' message, I am unable to access anything at all on the rest of the laptop. Previously, sometimes, Publisher has eventually closed. But not every time and not today. And I did wait patiently for several minutes. Have had to close down laptop by unplugging and removing battery. 3 times today. And the last time, just before doing this, the whole screen just became a solid colour, nothing there. Could somehow my file have become corrupted and this causes the problem? Though I have no idea how, because all I am doing is very basic stuff: text frames and text, image frames and images (linked not embedded) and a few little shapes (sorry, I don't know what to call these, graphics?, stars etc. from within Publisher not outside source). Have to go to work now, so won't have time or access to laptop until this evening. Look forward to your reply!!! Thank you, Amy
  3. Hi Leigh, Sorry for slight delay in reply to yesterday's message from you. RE: %AppData%\Affinity\Publisher\ --- I have no idea what this means or how to find it! This sfternoon I have been trying again. Here's what happened. I opened the programme. OK. I open my file. OK. A message comes up in a little box saying an image has been altered in another programme. Then that message disappears. But the weird thing is that I haven't made any changes at all, not a single one including where they are stored, to any of the images since starting to put my book on Affinity Publisher. Anyway, I removed the image and the image frame. Then I closed everything. Then I did actually make a change to that image because it was like it had become a little out of focus. I did this in Affinity Photo. Then I re-opened the programme and file, put an image frame back in the file and placed the image in it. Everything worked ok. So carried on working. Every so often the 'Not Responding' message came up and everything froze. But each time it did that, after 30 seconds to 2 minutes it started working again. Added several pages to my llittle book. Then thought I should save, and close file and programme, and then open it all up again just to make sure it would carry on working before replying to you. SO re-opened programme and the file. NOTHING WORKS!!! First thing I tried was to get the Text Frame tool. Nada. Then managed to get the Image Frame tool but when resizing the frame everything froze again. And this time nothing unfroze. Had to shut down laptop by removing battery. If it was a car I would be kicking the tyres by now, and possibly looking for my hammer (always used to work on old cars!). So am giving up for today. Have run out of patience. ???? Amy
  4. Hi Leigh, Thank you for the message. I will try to do the above as you suggest but won't have a chance to do so until later today (Monday) or tomorrow as have to work now.
  5. Un-installed 1.8 , restarted windows, installed 1.7.3 via link above. It Doesn't Work. Repeated above process uninstalling 1.7.3. and re-installing it. Still doesn't work. Try to do anything at all and the programme freezes, shows message 'Not Responding', then crashes. What am I supposed to do now? This is incredibly frustrating. Not only am I unable to complete my book but have wasted literally days and days of work, the days spent creating all the pages before the software problems arose and many hours since trying to resolve the problem. Why is this happening and what can I do about it?
  6. Thank you also, Walt. Have un-installed 1.8. Re-installed 1.7.3. And it keeps freezing - message says " (not responding) ". Haha, like I didn't know that! This hasn't been happening with any other programmes (Open Office and Sibelius) so I don't think it's my laptop but who knows. I am giving up until Friday because I have to go teach (piano students who often might also have a not responding message across their forehead!). In the meantime if anyone has any other useful suggestions .... will check in again on Friday. Thank you all, Amy
  7. Thank you both JM and Alfred. Tried to re-install 1.7.3 (and then from my downloads file but both came up with "Setup failed". So this link is very useful. BUT before I go to download, which version would be best? I'm pretty sure I must have been using 1.7.3 yesterday ... and that was freezing for a few/sometimes several minutes quite often (hence downloading 1.8) but then it did start working again. The freezing seemed quite random, not just when trying to do one specific thing, but it did start doing so once I'd completed about 2/3 of the book. Do you know if 1.7.2 (OR 1.7.1) would be any better? Thanks again, Amy
  8. Downloaded Affinity Publisher 1.8 today. Completely useless. Opens document then freezes ... and doesn't unfreeze ever so have to unplug laptop to switch off and start again. Only downloaded as version was using previous day started freezing as well, though not as badly. I am not a technical person at all. I am just making children's books with text and photos (around 70 pages-- around 50% photo pages 50% text pages-- and photos are linked not embedded, not by choice but seems that was all it could handle) and very very simple graphics. So it's no use asking me or sending me any technical stuff. Having wasted a lot of time in the last 2 days I am up to here with this programme as it is! PLEASE can somebody tel me which previous version is most stable? I think I can access 1.7.3 OR from my downloads file (though haven't yet tried to re-install either). Is there something better and how do I access that. Help would be gratefully appreciated. Amy
  9. Hi Fixx, Thank you so much. Apologies as I'm a total beginner and not at all a tech.person! (Battled with Scribus to compile my first cookbook and experimenting with this for the cover.) The screen shot was really useful so now I've been able to find what I needed. Amy
  10. Can somebody tell me if fonts are automatically embedded when exporting to PDF? I can't find anywhere to select 'embed fonts'. Thank you!
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