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Everything posted by pammiller

  1. The first screenshot shows my attempt to select multiple objects in the Layers panel while holding the shift key. After selecting the objects, I turn the stroke yellow to see them better. Then Ctrl z to try a different selection. Part way through I toggle the Edit All Layers button. Even though it makes no sense, starting at the bottom and working my way upward in Layers works better than starting at the top and working down. I pressed no other buttons. The second screenshot shows my attempts to select multiple objects directly on the artboard while holding the shift key. I have better luck with this method, but as you can see, it doesn't work all the time.
  2. This is showing the weird fading magenta highlight on deselect. Show Snapping Candidates is off initially. Part way through, I turn it on.
  3. The point I failed to make is that I CAN'T select those. It's difficult to show in a screenshot. I really need video to show it. And it's not only this problem. I'm experiencing a LOT of weird behavior, including the one shown in this screenshot, which has also happened previously. I just now opened AD and created new doc. After I drew the objects, I clicked on Create Palette from Document - As Document Palette and got the palette shown in the screenshot. You can see from RECENT that I've only used 6 colors and only five colors are in the document, yet it gave me 68 colors. I bought AD months ago, but only started to use it about 3 weeks ago (maybe 150 hours using it). While I'm new to AD, I'm not new to vector software in general. I've been using (and still learning how to use) AI and other vector software for 15+ years. At first I ignored AD's weird behavior believing I simply didn't know it well enough (which may still be the case), but I'm at the point where I'm sure that at least some of the weird behavor isn't my lack of knowledge about AD. Maybe I should reinstall... As for the original problem and other problems I'm experiencing, I'll figure out a way to film them. Should I post them here or in a new post?
  4. There must be some logic to selecting multiple objects in the Layers panel that is evading me. If I start by selecting the lowest object in the layers panel (holding shift) and work my way up the panel selecting groups, I can select everything. But if I try the same thing working from the top of the panel down, I get a different result. First screenshot shows that I could select all the triangles and change the outline to red by working upward. Second screenshot shows the result when I try selecting objects downward in the panel. Ignore the last screenshot.
  5. I just spent about 10 minutes playing with it. The temporary highlighting behavior is inconsistent, occuring maybe 75% of the time, but when it does occur, it's always the previously selected object. It doesn't occur when all snapping is off. If I turn on "show snapping candidates" MOST of the snapping candidates have the outline Walt describes, but not all (granted, I may not understand what AD considers a candidate). And the outlineremains around some objects even after deselecting. I don't know if this is related, but I'm also having trouble with Edit All Layers, which seems to be stuck in the off mode. I can't select multiple objects in the layers panel from different layers or from sublayers regardless of whether Edit All Layers is on or off. Rebooting.
  6. Actually, the problem seems to be with selecting all the objects, not the Blend Ranges.
  7. All vectors. No effects, unless drawing inside a shape is considered an effect.
  8. Show snapping candidate is off. Is there another option I should look for?
  9. I can only get the Blend Ranges to work by selecting individual objects, not globally. Am I missing something?
  10. Have to agree, raster fills in vector software doesn't cut it. When a project requires a vector file, it's usually because they need the scalability of a vector. This is major. The symbols method is great for creating patterns, but sucks for actually using patterns. I have the same issue with brushes.
  11. I need to export as .png without antialiasing. Is there a way to turn it off for export?
  12. I don't know if this is a bug or what, but when I select a object in the layers panel, the previously selected object is temporarily highlighted in magenta which then fades away. Anytime I select an object in the layers panel, I immediately try to locate the NEWLY selected object on the artboard. Unfortunately, highlighting the previously selected object draws my eyes to it instead and is very distracting. This would be a great feature if it highlighted the NEWLY selected object, but not the way it works now.
  13. Ditto to all the suggestions. For my current project, I have about 80 manufacturer specified palettes that I cannot alter. After choosing the palette I want to use, I add my working colors (not the whole palette) to the document, close the source palette (don't want to edit the swatches in it by mistake), and then create a document palette. If I want to test colors from a few different palettes, it becomes a process of trying to keep track of which swatches belong to which palettes. If anyone has found an easy way to manage swatches and palettes, please share.
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