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Everything posted by webrockers

  1. Why isn't it possible to select some nodes and paste them into a new layer? When I want to duplicate just certain nodes my current workflow is Duplicate the layer Use the knife tool Get rid of the rest (often I use "seperate kurves" and/or "fill gaps" for that)
  2. +1 for .bmp export. Thinking of the old Amiga times coding assembler... Bitmaps are nothing more than the representing bits in order they appear on screen, each bitplane after another. No fancy compression algorithms. Other than, that it is work, that takes time, what are the reasons that make it difficult to implement this feature? Thanks for making one of my favorite tools on my Mac! Marco
  3. +1 I love books, so I bought it. It looks great, it smells great (I love the smell of new books). But, it's not handy. Wish I could download (or even buy for a reasonable fee) a PDF. Still... Serif... great products, great book! Thanks, serif guys! Cheers Marco
  4. Hi Callum, And ... it works. Didn't see those double nodes. I am wondering how this could happen. Thank you for your time and the solution. Best wishes and take care Marco P.S. I declare this Q resolved.
  5. Hi Callum, thanks for your reply. What I found out: At a zooming level of 70000 % I recognized a handle. At a zooming level of 3500000 % it appears more clearly. But how did I do that? Did I do that? What can I do? How can I prevent this in the future. (Why is my coffee cold again? Dang!) AD File: LL.afdesign Thanks in advance Marco
  6. Hi there, I don't know wether this is a bug, or it is me not understanding how to do it right. I have this design, it's the top of the double letters "L" I created, that troubles me. When I export the design to .eps or .pdf it looks like this: When it should look like the following, with sharp corners. In AD in looks correct until a certain zooming facor. Still good: On step further, not so good: (I figured out, beginning with zooming factor 2836% it snapps) What's wrong with me? Why me? What does the universe try to tell me? :-D Seriously, I don't have a clue. Can someone give me a hug? Marco P.S. Thanks, for this amazing program! In school we had lessons how to use AI. I hated it. I hated the lessons, I hated AI, in fact, I still don't like it. I didn't understand AI. And I never will. I almost give up on vector graphics. I love AD. I really do. (Would love to see gradient borders :-) )
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