hello I'm new here, so I'm not sure this is the right place for this topic.
I'm drawing a portrait in designer, and using pencil tool. I'm using a wacom tablet, and I noticed that if I stop drawing the line I couldn't edit it with the pencil tool.
I'm using the pencil tool mostly when I draw with my tablet's pen, and I'm very used to edit the line with the pen in my hand like I'm still drawing it but, I couldn't find a way to do this.
it just stops acting like a pencil. is there a way for this?
another thing is, theres maybe some hundred lines. -imagine a beard drawing- those lines are very close to each other -by the way designer's performance is still great even those tons of anchor points- without any lines selected, I'm picking node tool or move tool, but I'm unable to select any of the lines. I have to do this from the layers panel, so it's not coming handy.
one more thing; when I hover any line with node or move tool it's not showing any anchor points etc. like smart guides.
I used affinity competitor app more than ten years throughout my whole career. I guess I discovered affinity two years ago if I'm not mistaken or a year ago. couple of days ago I decided to use affinity for all my professional work. I loved the app a lot, I believe in what you people are doing, and I want to support you on the long run. I'm working 6 days a week 24/7 if I'm not sleeping, and I'm planning to give you tons of feedbacks as I do my work on affinity. I hope that's ok. I hope I will not make any developers angry. I will just right my thoughts in here so maybe some of them helps you.