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All Media Lab

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Everything posted by All Media Lab

  1. Thanks! Yes I just did, but it doesn't help. When I move and snap the top right in the corner at the left moves with it and gets out of snap. Regards & Thanks, David
  2. Hi, Try to create some simple shapes for export to SGV and use in my websites. The problem I encounter is when I try to adjust a simple triangle at the left side the right side moves with it. I'm used to Sketch where it snaps in place and stays. Please some tips on how to get the triangle pixel precise. (Snapping is activated!) Regards & Thanks, David
  3. In Affinity Designer Hi, How do you select a part of some fonts to change the color? For example I have the word "WATER" and want half of it horizontally at the bottom white and at the top blue. Thanks! David
  4. Yes it should remember the last setting it is very annoying to go over and over the same setting every time you crop! Regards, David
  5. Hi, In Sketch and Photoshop it's possible to make timeline animations. Are there any plans for Affinity? I'm talking about something like this: https://timeline.animaapp.com/ Regards, David
  6. Hi, I have lots of fonts and it slows down the startup of Affinity Photo and designer, because every time it is loading all fonts. Is there anything I can do to speedup things besides deleting fonts? Regards & Thanks, David
  7. Hi, I have a PDF logo in Affinity Designer on a large art board and created a slice in the export persona. How can I change the size of the slice? When I change the size down under in the transform panel the logo stays the same size! Regards & Thanks, David
  8. Hi, I'm not able to install the Photoshop plugin "Vertus Fluid Mask" in Affinity Photo. I know it's not on the list of supported plugins, but I use it every day! Please fix this! Regards, David
  9. Hi, I'm a new Affinity Photo user and till now I like it a lot! The thing that is missing for me is export of the webp extension. We use it every day in our web design studio with "LazySizes" that let's the browser decide to use webp or jpg. It would be nice if it was implemented with the next update, preferable with optimization functions like "lossless"! Regards, David
  10. Thanks all for the tips! In my opinion the Crop tool should snap to the border of an image if needed. David
  11. Hi, It's the first time I use Affinity Photo and I try to keep my cropping exactly inside the document borders, but despite the Snapping function activated it doesn't snap. Procedure I used: Resize a document to 1200 px width and want to crop 627 px height (Facebook post image size). The crop tool is covering the whole width of the document like supposed to and I move down with the crop, but can hardly stay in the proper position. What is the best setting for the Snapping in this case? What do I do wrong? Regards & Thanks, David
  12. Hi, In Illustrator I can set up a document 800px x 800px and create a logo on it with a much smaller size. Then I click on "Fit To Artboard" and in a millisecond my Art board is adapted to the size of my logo. How do I achieve this in Affinity Designer? Regards & Thanks, David
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