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  1. I did know they were not supported by the system, that's why I mentioned the Finder angle - but I was hoping you could add in a module to specifically load Linear DNG files, so you could fully support DNG (for all other cameras that produce files in that format). However one aspect of strangeness to this is that I can see the photo previews just find in the iCloud image picker (on iOS11) that led me to wonder if there was some limited system support that Affinity is not making use of. The other apps I used were not even Lightroom so some other apps are supporting this... I'll submit a ticket to Apple as well.
  2. There is a way to limit the set more if you select the top bar. But way more useful than Search would be a way to see most commonly used filters and adjustments, which I think is covered in some other requests... I would much rather see that than search in terms of priority.
  3. Hi, I have a camera that produces DNG files (Sigma SD Quattro, and DP Quattro 0 camera). These seem to load into a number of other iPad apps OK, but in Affinity although I can see the preview when I'm selecting DNG files from iCloud, when they load into Affinity Photo they are just all black. The thing about the DNG files that I think is causing issues, is they are linear DNG files - OS X does not seem to handle these form of DNS files well either, as they are also all black in the Finder preview. I was hoping you could somehow alter the code to load in these images to detect they are linear DNG files specifically and load them in differently than other kinds of DNG files. As a workaround I have been loading them into Lightroom and exporting TIFF files to bring into Affinity Photo, but I'd really like to move away from Lightroom completey and not loading in DNG files directly is a bit of a roadblock. I have three examples in the DropBox folder linked below, the DNG files along with exported JPG versions from Lightroom so you can see what they are supposed to look like (the JPG files are slightly reduced in size but I can export them full size if needed, or provide other DNG examples). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dn2t8vcyy54wike/AAARWjvRZqmUGUdocUZ2zzGIa?dl=0
  4. That's a pretty broad request - here's a few things I would like to see from machine learning additions that make sense to me: 1) Selection of objects, so I could select a person and every part of them (and only them) would have a selection made, that I could then refine - with the ability to select or select individual people (MBD mentioned this but I thought I'd refine). 2) A kind of Auto-Color that worked by making the colors "right" not just through a simple algorithm balancing out poor channels (not sure what Auto-Color in AF really does, perhaps that?) 3) Show visual paths, have a model that presents to you where it thinks a human eye would track across the image. 4) Automatically learn what edits I apply to different types of images to start, and make them for me so I'd just have to tweak (kind of like Macros but more subtle and automatically generated).
  5. The key to making it usable is that you do not use Affinity Photo for browsing, you use something else to make selections - then you are working with a reduced set. Opening up the photos from iCloud is a little slow but not that slow. It would be nice to tell Affinity Photo "I'm editing this iCloud Folder" and have a way to traverse all images in that folder, though I still don't think it would make for a great review tool.
  6. After really getting into using the iPad for editing over the last week, I have come up with a few things that I think would really help improve the speed of general workflow: 1) One powerful tool in the tutorial videos takes a number of steps, and are thus kind of cumbersome - it's creating the non-destructive dodge/burn layer. You have to create a new pixel layer, fill it to 50%, set the blend mode to overlay, then finally you can dodge/burn on that layer. So why not have another option in the "+" menu for layers, where instead of adding a pixel layer you can "add neutral overlay" which does all that in one step. Honestly it's what I thought "Add Fill Layer" would do, I can't figure out what that actually does though. 2) I have a small set of Adjustments/Filters that I use regularly. I know you can change between sections like Noise/Colors/Blurs instead of all filters, but for both Filters and Adjustments it would be great to have a set that was "most used" and give you 6-10 of your most frequently used options. 3) It's great that I can copy groups of adjustments into another images, quickly change the mask under the group, and get an effect I like applied to a part of the image quickly... but I end up doing that with a few different kinds of adjustments, so it would be nice to be able to create some kind of palette with groups of adjustments/filters already set to specific values that I can bring into an image. One practical example is a set of adjustments for skin smoothing, I like to use a combination of Bilateral Blur & Diffuse glow at very low opacities to get close to the skin smoothing I used to get from the Nik ColorEFX 4 filters. Thanks for a great tool, as a data point for you I get all my files in and out through iCloud (which has been working really well so far).
  7. I'm trying to align layers automatically (trying a super-resolution technique). Is such a feature currently included? Is it planned? With shifting image super-resolution features being added to some new cameras, I think a way to do help achieve this in Affinity Photo with other cameras on burst would be a nice inclusion...
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