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Posts posted by j.king

  1. 5 hours ago, user_0815 said:

    That looks very complicated. However, the OP needs just one layer for the foil content and a base layer below.

    Could you test this pdf that I have exported? I think it should be what he needs.

    Exactly! I'm just looking for a way to keep only the 2 layers when opened in either AI or Acrobat Pro: a top layer labeled 'silver' and the bottom layer labeled whatever. This is what the print co needs and is expecting to see. I am trying to avoid any nesting (or sublayers as I called them before) if at all possible to avoid confusion. It does not sound possible unless I am misreading.

  2. Is Acrobat DC the same as Acrobat Pro?

    If anyone wants to try it and let me know, attached is a dummy PDF I made using stock image and quick lettering. Exported as PDF with layers labeled as shown in the attached screenshot. Looking to see if AI or Acrobat Pro will open with layers correctly labeled and not grouped into one new generic "Layer 1".

    layers screenshot.png

    layers test 1.pdf

  3. Could ask but honestly they don't seem all that capable... or helpful in that regard.

    Just realized I'd already tried Walt's suggestion. We tested a PDF exported from AD with 3 total layers labeled as they should be. When opened in AI, everything gets thrown into one layer called 'Layer 1'; inside that layer are sublayers labeled Clip Group, Clipping Path, Image, etc. So it looks like there may be no way to remedy this. Any other thoughts?

  4. I'm working on a print project for which the online print company is very specific about file set-up. It's a biz card with raised foil area. The file (exported as PDF) has to stay layered with the top layer being colored & labeled specifically for the foil. Bottom layer is raster image only. Problem is the layers get wrecked when leaving AP and opening into AI or Acrobat Pro. The layer labeling becomes very generic and sublayers get created in each layer for some reason. Kind of a mess. Very confusing obviously for the print shop and pretty much kills the project. Is there anyway to stop this? If not, consider this a feature request?

  5. I think I follow you. If you are scanning something to bring into AD, that is a flattened image. The 'ink' drawing and background are all one image. The only way to have ONLY the 'ink' (minus the background of the scanned image) would be to trace it, manually or automatically. When I do this I still use Inkscape for auto tracing. It does a tolerably good job tracing as long as the image is good resolution and strong black drawing on clean white background. You could also use Background Eraser in Affinity Photo. It works very well too but you will end up with a transparent 'image' (raster) file, under which you could paint. If you need the drawing to be actual lines or shapes (vector), you would have to trace it as mentioned before. Hope that helps.

  6. I opened Assets panel but do not see the textures. Do they have to be imported into the panel? If so, where would the files be after download? I searched my machine for the specific texture names and for 'afassets' but get nothing... which is why I presumed they loaded when downloaded. ?! So these are not actually textures you can apply to brush or pen strokes?

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