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Everything posted by MattP

  1. Sorry... Any vector object which you put something else inside. ie Make a circle and then clip some other object inside it.
  2. Status: Beta Purpose: Features, Improvements, Fixes Requirements: Purchased Affinity Designer Mac App Store: Not submitted Download: Here Hello, We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the beta of Affinity Designer 1.7 for macOS. Designer 1.7 is a significant change to the currently shipping 1.6 version. Files edited in this version will not be backwards-compatible with the shipping 1.6 version. As such, we would not recommend using this 1.7 version for critical or production work at this stage. It is inevitable that there were will be a number of issues with 1.7 but we hope these will be minor and aim to resolve any issues very quickly, so please use it and explore the new features, but also do keep in mind that you may find snags and we would appreciate your help with finding and reporting these to us. If this is your first time using a customer beta of an Affinity app, it’s worth noting that the beta will install as a separate app - alongside your store version. They will not interfere with each other at all and you can continue to use the store version for critical work without worry. It’s also worth noting that we aren’t done yet - we are still working through reported bugs from previous releases and hope to fix as many as possible before the final release of 1.7. With all that said, we hope that you will enjoy the new capabilities introduced in this initial release and we look forward to any and all feedback you give to us. Many thanks, Matt Please refer to previous beta updates for a full list of all changes to date. This latest update builds on the changes and also includes the following changes: Fix for items which contain other items always getting rasterised on export Improved draw performance for vector containers (Any vector object which you put something else inside. i.e. make a circle and then clip some other object inside it) Wireframe mode should work correctly for multiple linestyles Added clickable context toolbar for when an image is selected, allowing users to scale or set bitmaps to arbitrary sizes Fix for a number of Appearance panel issues 12bit RGB TIFF support Double-clicking an item in the Assets panel will now queue it up in the Place tool, ready for you to drag out at the size you like Paste image now works from browsers again Fix for selection frame not representing currently selected objects and their transform properly! Point Transform tool - now has on-document feedback about relative scale and rotation during drag and specific Transform studio information Grid Widget (turned on via grid and axis manager) only allows 'full editing' (editing of scale and angle) while in Move Tool and only when a cube grid is not active
  3. Just drag the handle at the bottom right of the selection frame - shown here:
  4. I’ll build in the morning - it fixes that and many other things
  5. No, I personally don't think that's right - I'll talk with Ben about it tomorrow - thank you!
  6. That was my original plan... but if it's 'wrong' in some way then it's just going to distract people, so may have been a mis-step
  7. It's right for horizontal separators. That's what I imagined it being used for on our webpage (for example)... It's not right for other things. It's what I imagined it would be, but there are other things to focus on, so I may just remove it...
  8. I'll set it higher if you like, but things will get quite 'pointy'
  9. I deliberately don't want a hundred 'novelty' items - they're an unusual case and I'm happy for the user to be allowed to create those themselves in a future version. For now, I want the actual useful '99% of the time' cases...
  10. Hmmm... no, we don't have one like that yet, but maybe we should...
  11. Hi Kevin, We originally had it so that it was a single-click to edit, rather than requiring a selection prior to editing and it actually got in the way as there were less areas to just 'click' and select the current line/fill without activating something... maybe we'll look at it again in the future? Also, 'Effects' will appear in that list in the future, but we need to do a little work to allow us to arbitrarily interlace effects with the object draw in between/above/below lines, fills, etc... Matt
  12. The Node tool's transform mode will allow you to view and edit the rotation centre in the future...
  13. ...or you could use the point transform tool? (Instead of scale tool - unless there’s something you can’t achieve with it?)
  14. I mentioned before that I’m trying to get Designer iOS to the same level as desktop right now and as soon as I’ve done that I’ll use all my available time to try to sort out expand stroke and geometry issues - but that all depends on how much time I have left... I’m working as fast as I can
  15. Dashed lines aligned to corners will be coming in the future - it’s already in my plans Thanks for the support!
  16. We’re definitely looking at a future version for construction stuff - we have a better plan so want time to do it right...
  17. It’s in our bug report database and is assigned for fixing... just waiting to see it get done now...
  18. Exactly. As I also mentioned above, there’s no compatible version of Photo or Publisher right now, so if I push this version through the auto-updated, I’ll get a lot of unhappy people... when there’s compatibility then there’s no reason not to...
  19. Status: Beta Purpose: Features, Improvements, Fixes Requirements: Purchased Affinity Designer Mac App Store: Not submitted Download: Here SPECIAL NOTE: The files created by this new version of Designer will not be compatible with earlier version of Affinity (Designer, Photo or Publisher). You will need to wait for an update to Publisher or Photo 1.7 Beta for compatibility! Please do not use this version if you will be adversely affected by this temporary lack of cross-product compatibility! Hello, We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the beta of Affinity Designer 1.7 for macOS. Designer 1.7 is a significant change to the currently shipping 1.6 version. Files edited in this version will not be backwards-compatible with the shipping 1.6 version. As such, we would not recommend using this 1.7 version for critical or production work at this stage. It is inevitable that there were will be a number of issues with 1.7 but we hope these will be minor and aim to resolve any issues very quickly, so please use it and explore the new features, but also do keep in mind that you may find snags and we would appreciate your help with finding and reporting these to us. If this is your first time using a customer beta of an Affinity app, it’s worth noting that the beta will install as a separate app - alongside your store version. They will not interfere with each other at all and you can continue to use the store version for critical work without worry. It’s also worth noting that we aren’t done yet - we are still working through reported bugs from previous releases and hope to fix as many as possible before the final release of 1.7. With all that said, we hope that you will enjoy the new capabilities introduced in this initial release and we look forward to any and all feedback you give to us. Many thanks, Matt Please refer to previous beta updates for a full list of all changes to date. This latest update builds on the changes and also includes the following changes: Appearance panel should now work correctly on older version of macOS Arrowhead flyout should draw better for older versions of macOS Pen and Node Tool changes: - Hit-test the on-curve nodes in preference to off-curve nodes - Added ability to redrag any selected node in the Pen tool - Click an end curve node in the Pen tool to remove any trailing handle (so the next segment will be a cusp), Alt/Option-click it to remove leading and trailing off-curve handles - Improvements to restart drag (holding space bar) - Create straight line segments when starting new curves with Ctrl pressed during the drag - Node Tool selection box mode acts like the normal mode if only one node is selected Point Transform Tool tweaks - dragging the object anywhere inside it will snap the focal point rather than attempt to snap the object box - very useful tweak "Lock Guides" added to the menus: This affects both tool and ruler editing/creation of guides PDF import fixes On-document Grid 'widget' (to adjust origin and scale) now only offers full editing in Move Tool (to remove accidental adjustments in other creation tools) and only if the document doesn't have a cube grid setup Fix for Printing constraint group objects with multiple lines/fills Fill flyout no longer has a 'None' tab - instead this is just replaced with a simple 'None' button next to the colour picker on that flyout Assets panel now allows items to be expanded again (oops!) ... Lines with arrowheads are now drawn correctly in the context menu line preview area Multiple lines with arrowheads will now draw each arrowhead in the wireframe outline view mode Gradient fills on a stroke with arrowheads now draws correctly Polycurve objects now correctly draw arrowheads on each of the curves Temporarily remove the 'construction mode' button in Node and Pen tools.. construction mode will return in a different form in the future! Fix for entering font name in the search area of the font dropdown causing the text to overlay the font name previously shown! Note: I am still aware of a temporary change which caused reduced performance on certain large documents and incorrectly rasterised vector exports. This will be dealt with shortly. Sorry for any inconvenience in the meantime
  20. Just to let you know that we've found and fixed this issue - it should be in the Beta (currently still building the version right now!) Thank you! Matt
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