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Max N

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Everything posted by Max N

  1. Same. It is not clear what I can see in this preview. With such a small image, I cannot appreciate the image quality. It is not at all clear how it can be used with such an implementation.
  2. I am getting this error not only in this version. A similar error occurs to me from time to time. Maybe half a year, maybe more. I do not know for sure. I forgot to write about her. Open CL is enabled. The error appeared on an old computer on Intel, now I saw it on a new assembly on AMD, the cards are also different, but all from Nvidia.
  3. Thank you for your attention. The lettering is part of the design and is not relevant to the issue.
  4. The lettering is part of the design and is not relevant to the issue. Windows 10 64-bit / GTX 1660 super The problem manifests itself when you enable hardware acceleration on the video card. Disconnecting the video card does not show the problem. 2020-11-28 18-43-56.mp4
  5. In this case, after applying the frequency decomposition filter, the sketches of the layers have become such black rectangles. Windows 10 64-bit.
  6. And it rarely appears for me to understand how to produce it.
  7. Closing the window and pressing Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S again returns the cursor. The error does not always appear. It is difficult to reproduce.
  8. Yes. I use Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S and the problem is actual for the described betta build.
  9. There are no problems at 1660 super. Perhaps you should look at the AMD processor, they seem to be more interesting for the price.
  10. Maybe this will help. Wacom tablet. Perhaps this happens with a mouse, but I have not tested it.
  11. Mouse cursor disappears when saving. When the window is closed and reopened, the glitch disappears. Stumbled with this already 10 times.
  12. Unfortunately I could not understand (translate) your answer.
  13. You can use the word "Бенчмарк" or as written in the title of the "Тест производительности" window.
  14. I think that the incompatibility is associated with the addition of new functionality that is being tested. The fact that this version is not intended to work says the status of the beta. Everything we do on Early Access is at our own risk.
  15. No. I only use the tablet pen. I put a point, and a line is drawn. In this case, I work in a limited area, and the line is drawn randomly from the place where there were no works.
  16. At first I thought that maybe the document was to blame. But the error occurs when cropping even a blank document.
  17. As soon as I press the Enter key, the program closes.
  18. When working on a planner (I did not check it with a mouse), this problem occurs several times per hour. I work with a healing brush in a small area of the image, and a line appears at random. If you change the scale, you can see that it goes beyond the current scale of the screen. I do not know how to reproduce the problem yet, but I have already encountered it 30-40 times. In the early versions (1,8) this was not the case.
  19. The same problem. Steps and other artifacts appear.
  20. Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+D - work on Russian and English layouts. Ctrl+' - works only in English. I'm already used to switching the layout a hundred times a day if something doesn't work. But for new users, it's a stab. I remember myself, at the first steps of acquaintance with the program, the level of loyalty to it is zero and any inconvenience or problem repels the user by calling it in Photoshop. I am that rare type of user who loves to learn everything new and was able to go through the valley of death and love AP. I forgive all errors, freezes and other problems, I spend time writing error reports, overcoming the language barrier. I want AP to become better, and new users would be comfortable working in the program, so that they would fall in love with it from the first minutes.
  21. Why does this not happen with all hotkeys? B, J, S and many others work in Russian.
  22. I will try to explain. There is the first type of hotkeys. These are keyboard shortcuts that work the same on both English and Russian keyboard layouts. B is А S is Ы J is О and everything works correctly. There is a second type of hotkeys. [ this is х ] this is ъ and now they are already sensitive to the language of the keyboard layout. I have not seen this in any software. This is how it works in gimp This is how it works in Photoshop This is how it works in Blender but only Affinity There are two oddities for me. The first oddity is that the hotkeys react to the Russian layout. The second oddity is that not all hotkeys behave this way. This causes great inconvenience during work and forces the user to do unnecessary actions and constantly monitor the keyboard layout. This is very unusual behavior for programs.
  23. Good afternoon. Perhaps due to the nature of the translator, I misunderstood the message. Patrick Connor wrote to me about auto-closing topics after 1.8 was released and asked me to post links to topics that weren't fixed. Apparently they had to be sent by personal message, and I re-posted on the forum.
  24. If a topic is moved to an archive thread, is it still under the attention of the developers?
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