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Max N

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Everything posted by Max N

  1. + In the Russian keyboard layout does not work hotkeys change the brush size. Perhaps part and other hotkeys does not work.
  2. RAW gives you more opportunities. jpeg contains enough information for WB changes. Adjustment layer works quite differently.
  3. Thanks! You have pleased me very much!
  4. Good afternoon. Since the trial version does not have bought the full version, which would try. I've been doing a lot of retouching and was very pleased to see that there is a real alternative to the SS. And now the question itself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JCUygsM0JI&feature=youtu.be I apologize for the English. I communicate through a translator. How do autoclean brush that would not reap it before each stroke? And how to do so in the affinity that would make a way in the video? Unable to find a suitable tool, I can not deal effectively with retouching and photo restoration. Very necessary to ask your help :(
  5. Moving from 1.xx to 2.0 is purchased at full price, or 2.0 will be available for those package updates 1.xx who bought at below 2.0? With 1.xx 3.0 to whether it will be renewed. Or upgrade will be available for previous versions 2.0 users only? Perhaps I getting ahead of myself. But we want to understand the policy of the company in terms of updates and support.
  6. Thank you! Then I ask one more question. Upgrading from version to version (eg, 1.5 to 2.0) are free? Or are free only 1.6 to 1.7?
  7. Thanks for the answer! And when the planned appearance of the trial version? It is terrible to buy the program without testing it. I understand that in the module RAW developing process multiple photos in a row in camraRAW not? whether the appearance of such a function is planned. When you do a series of photographs, one to do is not very convenient.
  8. Help please, where can I get a product key? Recently learned about your product now zaineresovan that would unsubscribe from adobe and go to your produk. I would like to participate in the beta testing. I communicate through a translator, ask Sorry for the language of the curve.
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