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  1. Our IT department have asked the following. Can anyone please advise what is the URL used for the registration process in the application, and whether the Affinity apps can use a proxy server?
  2. Hi, The registration process is probably being blocked by our corporate security/firewall. All the apps report the same error message;- received http code 407 from proxy after connect I take it that there is no way around this?
  3. OK, thanks. The applications didn't flag up an update, but will give it a try. Update - Thanks Stefanoc, your suggestion worked. All software has the same version number and are now playing with each other.
  4. I think they are all up to date. All bought directly from Serif
  5. I'm having the same issue with both Photo and Designer. I can open both via the File pulldown menu (Windows user), but the persona buttons just bring up the Studiolink warning message Both Photo and Designer are up to date.
  6. Thanks for the advise. Sorry for not responding earlier.
  7. Can Affinity Designer & Photo run in the Citrix environment?
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