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  1. OK. Thanks very much, for the responses. I'm up and running again.
  2. I've just had to reinstall Affinty Photo, but I cannot find the email containing my product key. Is my product key stored somewhere on the website, and if so, where is it?
  3. Yes - the NIK plug-ins do appear on the list as "working" and the last time I used them they worked fine. However, I have recently been trying to get an unsupported plug-in working ("Flaming Pear" which appears on the list as "Unknown") and it looks like I may have messed things up. I just checked my "preferences" and they now look like this: I'm pretty confused by all of this and I don't know what to do to get my NIK plug-ins back, after all they were working.
  4. I was occasionally using plug-ins from the NIK collection, these were the earlier (free) pre DxO edition. They installed without problems using the "Preferences" in AP, under Windows 10. I went to use them yesterday (for the first time in a while) and I found they had disappeared. Possibly the last time they were used was pre the v1.9 upgrade to Affinity Photo. I still have the original downloaded NIK files, but I don't seem to be able to get them to install. Anyone else having trouble using the NIK collection as a plug-in? Here is a screenshot of my install instruction page.
  5. Well I tried copying the "Flaming Pear" file into another folder and it now works - sort of. "Flaming Pear" and "Flood" now appear on the Filter menu But when I call the plug-in I get a screen full of garbage and I cannot make any sense of the adjustments. https://www.flickr.com/photos/184508212@N07/51251327003/in/dateposted-public/
  6. Thanks very much for the reply. I was aware that Affinity was strictly 64 bit, so I assumed it would ignore any 32 bit add ons. I'll try your suggestion.
  7. We recently had a talk at our club from someone who used "Flood" by Flaming Pear Software. This advertised as a PS plug in but knowing that Affinity Photo can use PS plugins I tried downloading a trial. I created a new folder called "Flaming Pear" and downloaded and unzipped the program to there. When I look at the "Flaming Pear" folder I can see the files: Flood 208 32-Bit.jbf & Flood 208 64-Bit.jbf I assume these .jbf files are the ones I need to install, but when I browse "Plugins" with Affinity, although I see the "Flaming Pear" folder and "Allow Unknown Plug ins" is ticked, I don't see the "Flood" plug in. On the Flaming Pear website they allude to calling the plug in from within Photoshop, but I don't have any Adobe software on my system. Can anybody please suggest what I'm doing wrong? Regards, Brian
  8. Yes, but in your previous post you said when Topaz updated their software I'd have to re copy the plug-in files. Just recently there seems to be a Topaz update every time I launch the program, so I'd rather not have the hassle. As I said It's not a big deal and I can live with it the way it is. Thank you very much for your input.
  9. Thank you very much for the suggestions. Since Topaz seem to frequently update their software, I'm not sure I want to keep recopying the files. I've now taken some screen grabs of the plug-ins setup page to illustrate what I'm saying about the folders. None of my plug-ins are in my Program Files(x86) folder since they are all 64-bit files. I'm no expert, but I thought 64-bit files always went into the "Program Files" folder and 32-bit files were in the "Program Files(x86)" folder. I don't understand how you can install 64-bit files into the x86 program folder. This is what I see on my system: The only option I really need for Topaz is Topaz Studio, since whichever Topaz plug-in I select it launches Studio. I simply wanted to tidy things up so that Studio was the only Topaz option. It's not a big deal and I can live with it the way it is, so it's a case of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
  10. Strange. All my plug-ins are in the 64-bit programs folder. There are no Topaz plug-ins in the Programs(x86) folder. Sudden thought: I'm using Win7, are there differences with Win10? As I said, the view I have is the same as your screenshot. The only difference is I do not have a "Programs (x86)" folder, since all of my plug-ins are in the "Programs" folder. I'm not at my desktop machine at the moment so I cannot post a screenshot. All this discussion is irrelevant and does not answer my question of how I can remove the un-needed Topaz plug-ins from the plug-ins list?
  11. Thanks. That's exactly the same as I see. AFX Pro2 and CFX Pro4 are the only NIK programs that are highlighted as "Working", although all the others appear to work as well. TBH the only NIK program I ever use is Silver Efex Pro2 and that works OK, although I'm finding some of the other recent B&W conversion programs are producing results just as good as the ones I can get with Silver Efex, so I'm probably going to be using that less in future. The slightly annoying thing is, whatever Topaz program I select (like "Adjust" or "Detail") it actually opens "Topaz Studio", which also appears on the list as a separate program. I can then select the plug-in from within "Studio" and use it that way. I only use the 64-bit versions so my plug-in programs are in the "Program Files" directory and I don't need any "Program Files (X86) I thought Affinity was a 64-bit program, so why are you using 32-bit (x86) plug-ins? I wanted to edit the list so that ONLY "Topaz Studio" appears, but apparently this doesn't seem possible. As I said, it's not a problem, just an irritation, so I'll learn to live with it.
  12. I have now got both my NIK and Topaz plug-ins working by using the Edit>Preferences>Photoshop Plugins menu. However, I'd like to streamline the interface if I can. I originally had several Topaz programs as plug-ins, but recently Topaz have unified all their software packages under the banner of Topaz Studio. When I select the Plug-ins under the "Filters" drop down in Affinity I see all my Topaz programs, including Studio. However, whichever plug-in I select it always launches Studio. What I'd like to do is delete everything that isn't "Topaz Studio" so that I can just select that one item. When I'm in the "Photoshop Plugins" setup menu, I can see all the Topaz programs listed but I don't seem to be able to edit or delete them. I have "Allow unknown plug ins to be used" checked. It's not a major problem and everything works fine as it is, but I'd just like to tidy things up.
  13. Yes, the "Allow unknown plugins" checkbox is ticked. I can see all my Topaz filters, but I don't seem to be able to install NIK. I have the original Google versions of NIK, and none of them will show up in Affinity. Thanks for the link to the other thread. I will study it to see if it is helpful when I have some more time.
  14. I went to the photoshop>plugins page and there was nothing listed. I've managed to add Topaz to the drop down list, but although I've been to my NIK folder, I cannot open the sub-folders in Affinity, although I can open them with Windows file viewer. So I cannot add NIK to the "Filters" drop down. I'm not sure what's going on.
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