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Posts posted by SPurz

  1. Hello,

    your Twitter told me to post this here.
    So I work on an iMac Pro and when I open a document, it is often displayed very pixellated and I have to go to View > New View (often 2 or 3 times) until it becomes sharp.
    I attached 2 screenshots of Artboard names, one before and one after.
    I also realized that the first one is on zoom level 25% and the second one is 50%, but the displayed size is identical. So I think it is a problem with the retina resolution not displaying correctly at first.
    Maybe important: I have a second screen that is not retina, where I put most of the Studio tools.

    Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-28 um 16.23.00.png

    Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-28 um 16.23.26.png

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