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Posts posted by LightPillar

  1. Hi Ben,


    File attached.


    It shows a 224x224px circle with a 16px outline fx (sitting on a 256px square for visual reference).


    When you 'Create Slice', it creates a 258x258px slice. I was expecting the same difference as I first reported so there must be something at play influencing the miscalculation - I just can't figure out what so hopefully the debugger will tell you.




    Outline Slices Bug.afdesign

  2. I think it's a bug. The largest layer in the group is a 256px circle that has an internal 8px Outline fx. If I disable this, it correctly creates a 256x256px slice.


    It clearly thinks the outline is external when it is not. Looks like a genuine bug to me.


    Your suggestion of moving the children into a parent object helps get around the issue.




  3. Hi Everyone,


    I'm not sure if this is a bug or because it's something I'm doing wrong but quite often AD (for no obvious reason) gets confused about the size and position of a slice.


    For example, at 0,0 I have a image (various layers in a group) that is 256x256px in size (there are no layers that have bounding boxes that exceed these dimensions). If I select it in the Layers tab of the Export Persona and hit the 'Create Slice' button, it creates a slice 272x272 at -8,-8. I have a page with dozens of images on them and I'm having to manually correct the size and position of each slice.


    Can anyone shed any light on this?




  4. To explain, the outline of the shape and bounding box gets in the way when trying to work with layer effects - especially outline and gaussian because.


    Can you turn it off whilst working on layer effects? I'm forever having to click off the shape to get a clean look at what I'm working on.


    Thanks for any help or tips on this!




  5. Hi Everyone,


    I have a large 4096 canvas full of slices that are exported at @1x and @2x. I've realised that I can get away with graphics half this size but if I halve the size of the canvas, it does not halve any of the slices!


    I can of course batch process the output files but I suppose this isn't really the point.


    Have I missed something or does this seem like a genuine bug? In addition, it would be nice if I could specify a custom export size so I could create @0.5x images if I wanted to.




  6. Hi Guys,


    As someone who typically deals with a lot of layers and groups within groups, there are some features that would save a lot of time and a lot of unnecessary clicking. My apologies if these features already exist but I was unable to find any info.


    1) Using alt-click on a group to open or close itself and all sub-groups. I miss this feature from Photoshop as it makes it easy to work with all your groups and layers


    2) Options to rename multiple layers. If I've created dozens layers and slices all with very specific names (because the images are going into Xcode) and then at some point I need to change the naming convention, I have to manually rename each and every slice. And if I want the layers to match, I have to rename those too (again). If the slice detects that the layer it derived from has changed, it should automatically update. At the moment, I'm having to batch rename the output files knowing all the names in my source file are incorrect. Or, manually rename all the layers and slices.


    3) Options to duplicate a layer and apply a custom postfix or automatic sequential numeric increment. Again, this saves lots of double-clicking on layers and manual renaming.


    Thanks for your consideration!





    Light Pillar

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