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  1. I am sorry @Gabe, the file has proprietary images that I cannot share without proper NDA.
  2. @LightPillar Same thing for me, my one important file that is not loading is 288MB, the others load fine. In v1.7.3, all load fine... If you didn't backup via TimeMachine, and you need to continue working on your file immediately, shoot me a message.
  3. This bug is only on post v1.73 versions. I am forced to go back to restore a v1.73 Affinity Designer version from TIMEMACHINE to be able to open my document. My document is 288MB important work file with lots of symbols. v1.73 runs smoothly whereas v.1.8x does not save automatically and doesn't restore after crash. PLEASE, STOP RUSHING TO PUBLISH A PRE-BETA (ALPHA) update if it is not bug-free. You are annoying your customers! Users, PLEASE, DO NOT UPDATE until bugs are corrected!
  4. I had to downgrade back to 1.73 using TimeMachine, as 1.80 will not load my document. It is just stuck on LOADING DOCUMENT, and it will not quit unless you force it. I highly recommend everyone to not UPGRADE, or at least downgrade to 1.73.
  5. YES... We use symbols in most of our illustrator files. It's impossible to view them as a list. The only option is an icon, with a limited number of visible characters (10max). There are SYMBOL options to change the list of symbols modes (icon/list/details). Yes, it's a major setback. Add to that, there there is no way to import a symbol from one affinity designer file to another. You may not see the problem with that. For us, the symbols listing view mode is as important as the layer mode. PLEASE DO SOMETHING... about the SYMBOLS listing mode options -- How about a way to see the actual full names in the listing...in detail mode?
  6. YES... We use symbols in most of our illustrator files. It's impossible to view them as a list. The only option is an icon, with a limited number of visible characters (10max). There is SYMBOL options to change list of symbols modes (icon/list/details). Yes, its a major setback. Add to that, there there is no way to import a symbol from one affinity designer file to another. You may not see the problem with that. For us, the symbols listing view mode is as important as the layer mode. PS... Are you responding as A DEVELOPER at SERIF, or just one who loves the title "ADVANCED MEMBER" and wish to dismiss anyone else remarks?
  7. It's been more than a year since I bought the AFFINITY DESIGNER, and I was enjoying how beautiful it was until I realized it's not practical for me. One of the reasons I want to stop using ILLUSTRATOR is because of its inability to use multiple cores thus causing so much FREEZING. Affinity Designer, from what I gather, does use all the cores. I use a lot of symbols to keep my files organized and to be able to import from one file to another. And having that that SYMBOL menu window options available to choose different listing views, (i.e., icons, details, and large icons) makes a whole lot of difference in my workflow. This is one of the major reasons, along with LIVE PAINTS for example, that keep ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR users who need a professional alternative still haven't changed to AFFINITY DESIGNER in spite of its elegance. It needs to be PRACTICAL. FIX THAT and I can guarantee you, that at least 20 users in my group/company, and those in my wife's company/studios will change as well. DON'T DO anything and you will just keep the likes of us away and still complaining about ILLUSTRATOR. B.
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