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Everything posted by basholtzer

  1. Language is default. I've set my system language to EN-GB.
  2. Here's my file. BLW 23005_Flyer_energiebesparing-V3 sept 23.afpub
  3. I tried this on my Studio and the same result as with Publisher: Euroscale and Document profile no go, but everything else OK.
  4. I'm on a Mac Studio Ventura 13.5 and MacBookPro Intel with Ventura 13.4. I only tried Publisher: 2.2 on the Studio and 2.1 on the laptop.
  5. You are right: I tried all profiles with PDF/X and all went well – except the Euroscale and Document profile. In 2.1 (same document) both are OK.
  6. Encountered the Error-message several times in 2.2. Tried the same file with 2.1 on my laptop and everything went fine. When I experimented with the pdf settings in 2.2, I found that PDF/X compatibility resulted in an error, and below that things were OK. In 2.1 I could export an PDF/X pdf with no problem.
  7. I have a version of a magazine that was made with Publisher 1. If I open that in 2 and – without any changes – try to export, Publisher 2 crashes. Exporting from 1 is fine. I noticed this when I finished the latest version in P2, only to find out I can’t export a pdf. 😩 Had to recreate the complete magazine in P1. Nice.
  8. I'm really sorry to come to this conclusion, but Publisher simply isn't ready for professional work. I have been a professional designer for 25 years and worked with Pagemaker, Quark, InDesign and Publisher. I really wanted to swap InDesign for Publisher but after working with it for about 2 years now, every time hoping the most annoying quirks would be eliminated, I have to conclude that for professional work (where time constraints are important) Publisher has too many bugs to be really useful. There isn't a project where I wasn't forced to make manual adjustments, create cumbersome workarounds and had to live with the limitations of the work in progress that Publisher is at this moment. Too bad, back to InDesign.
  9. OK - thanks. Would be nice to be able to turn it off. In complicated illustrations, the behaviour tends to get random and distracting.
  10. I don't know if this is a bug or a feature, but whenever I delete an object, another one is automatically selected. As if "Select next" is always on. If it's a feature, is there a way to turn it off?
  11. When I copy text with a attached style and paste it somewhere else, Publisher creates a new text style. I have now 3 Base styles and 5 Body texts. Also: copy/paste bullet lists alters the style and removes every adjustments I made. I have to select an existing list and update the altered style to regain my previous list-style. Very cumbersome.
  12. I could't find it anywhere in the menus and preferences. As far as I can see, the only way to remove the visible text frames is to hold the space bar (as you would do to move the screen manually). But this is only temporary of course. In the tutorial "More advanced text" the frame edged disappear with the guides. That doesn't work for me at this moment.
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