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  1. I have a chapter heading that reads "Good Times: Rebecca's Retirement Years" that automatically line splits between Retirement and Years. For visual balance, I would like to insert a line break between either Times and Rebecca's, or between Rebecca's and Retirement. When I insert the line break (shift enter), the running header (using a chapter header style in a running header field) also preserves the line break. I found a forum post (below) concerning multi-line headings in tables of content, and the TOC options include removing line breaks from chapter headings. However, looking at Running Header Settings, I don't see an equivalent option. Is there an option I may have overlooked? I would like to explore options before changing the chapter header. Publisher2 Mac 2.5.3.
  2. Thank you everyone for your suggestions - problem solved! Here's what I found out. I am exclusively using styles, with very limited local styling. All the Layer opacities were at 100% and set to Normal, so no problem there. All style text opacities were 100%, no problem. The text color was set to RGB #231F20. When I changed it to #000000 (black) or unchecked the text color, that helped. Text outline was enabled (this is in the style settings, so assuming this is equivalent to Stroke) and set to 0.2 pt. When set to 0 pt or unchecked, that also helped. Now the text on-screen is legible, and my test prints to paper look as I expected. Thanks everyone again, I figured it was a "me" problem.
  3. I'm a new user to Publisher and hoping this is an "obvious" issue on my part. I'm using the Adobe font Richler Pro PE from Creative Cloud as a body font. It is listed "in Adobe & other local apps." In Word, the regular weight at 10 pt is very black. The same Richler Pro PE, regular, 10 pt font in Publisher is extremely light in comparison. I thought is was an on-screen performance optimization, but the text output from Publisher is extremely light even printing to PDF or to paper (Brother L3290CDW) with black-and-white output selected. Here is a screenshot of Word and Publisher pages scaled to the same size (please ignore the line spacing, etc.). I've also tried the built-in MacOS font Hiragino Mincho ProN, and the Cormorant font from the "free commercial use fonts" forum page. All exhibit the same issue. I hope I am overlooking something simple. macOS Sonoma 14.5, Publisher 2.5.3, Word for Mac 16.88. Advice appreciated!!! --Hanna
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