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  1. Thanks a lot for your help! I really do appreciate the time you gave me to resolve the issue I was having with the app. If I was happy with the suite, I'm happier now to receive such a wonderful experience. Besides, this community is amazing. I'm really glad to know there are people who are able to help. Hope I can give that back in the future. Receive my gratitude everyone!
  2. If you're having similar issues, I just resolved the problem by swapping the app. I mean, initially I got it from the Mac App Store but then @Dan C provide me the links to install the Affinity Store version. Hope this would help ☺️
  3. Great news! I've been using Designer without further issues. Thanks a lot (community) for your time and advise!!! Now, how can we let other users know about the apps swapping to resolve similar issues? I think it would be nice to share this info for those who are struggling. Finally, can you help me please to reinstall Photo and Publisher as we did with Designer? I think is a great idea to follow your recommendation (to avoid similar issues as you said). Thanks ☺️
  4. Dear Dan, Thanks for your help, it seems the app swapping went pretty well at a first look. I'm going to give it a try the rest of the afternoon to se how the computer is responding. Hopefully this was the solution. In that case, should I consider swap the other apps too? Thanks again, I'll write soon to let everybody know what happen at last.
  5. I did uninstall from the app itself and I also cleaned up some folders like cookies and stuff to avoid daemon files as possible. Still nothing... I'm gonna check if switching the app helps or not. Thanks for your help!
  6. Thanks Dan, I think I made a mistake not saying this problem is happening with Affinity V2. I got the complete suite since it came out to the market (I purchased it from the Mac App Store). About the antivirus, I had the free version of Clean My Mac X (v_kyr put the link below). I uninstalled it this morning to see what happen but it makes no difference. I also uninstalled some fonts but not difference at all. Is it possible to swap the just one app I'm having issues with (Designer)? Or, since I got the Universal License I should swap everything? Thanks a lot! That's right!
  7. Thank for the new suggestion. Yes! I'm gonna check if the free Antivirus is generating some issue...
  8. Thank you so much for your comment!!! Yes I did buy the app from the AppStore I've never heard about Apple’s Sandboxing before so I'm reading the thread very carefully to see if any suggestion work in my case. Glad you told me 🌟
  9. Thanks a lot for your advise!! Yes, I'm pretty sure my account is the one and only. In fact, the permission and privileges were the first thing I checked (even though I haven't done anything "unusual" these days). Weird thing is that the error message is only happening with Designer and Photo apps so far. I mean, If I use other apps like Pages, Keynote (or the ones to edit audio and video) I don't have any issues. I'm gonna take a look about what you said of the ~lock~ file scheme and keep looking for a solution (if there's one). Thanks again! I'll share my discoveries 😊
  10. That's right! In my case, I already checked that. I also tried to change the permissions in the preference system app but nothing helps. Thanks for your comment. 😊
  11. Hi there! The pop up window says: "Saving is failed because you don't have the permission to save the file in this location. Do you want to save the document in a new file?". Basically, I can't resave the changes while working because I get this message. So, I need to save the document with a different name each time. Hope this help you to identify if you're having same trouble. 😊
  12. I know, right? Well, I did the following things to check as you suggested: 1. I copied an old file from my external hard drive to my desktop, then I take it off. The file opened correctly and I could work nicely. It seemed to be all right (even saving some changes a couple of times) but when I tried to resave it the 6th time, the message appeared. So I have to save it with another name. 2. I plugged my external hard drive again to open the same file and compare situations. Now, the message also appeared when loading/saving in an external device. The only difference I noticed is that the message appeared the 3rd time I tried to resave the file. 3. I opened a file from my desktop when the external device was out and then when I put it back on. Same thing happens, after a couple of times I get the message and I need to save the file with a different name. Thank you so much for your time and support 🀩
  13. Thanks a lot for your answer! I usually save all my files directly on the computer (Desktop or Folders I create in it). Yes, I tried to open old files and the same thing occurs when working on my computer. Apparently, it doesn't happen when I work directly on the external hard drive I always have plugged. I don't have any Cloud or Time Machine activated (not even ICloud). I have the free version of Clean my Mac Antivirus X installed but I haven't had troubles before. This pop up started 3 days ago approximately and I haven't changed the way I do things as I can remember. I'm thinking that maybe I used a shortcut by mistake... I don't know Thanks again for your support
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