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Alexandre Paes

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  1. Please bump this up further as it's a severe limitation for really dynamic layout design for publications and reports. I know there are all this amazing features being added constantly but fixing detected issues should also be a focus area, this has been reported one year ago and using the latest version of Publisher the issue is still present even though there were already several updates to the application this year.
  2. Since upgrading to 2.1.1 Designer 2 doesn't fully open anymore. It gets stuck in "non-responding" state while loading the user interface but there are no menus or other interface stuff visibile. This seems past the "initializing fonts" and "initializing data" messages, the splashscreen is still open. I've tried waiting for like 5m and it goes nowhere, all I can see is a crashpad_handler.exe subprocess, other than that there doesn't seem to exist any sort of activity. Is there any way to debug exactly what's happening? It was working properly before 2.1.1. Thanks in advance..
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