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  1. Will we ever get a gallery batch preview workflow similar to Lightroom/Capture1? Having multiple little tabs opens to for a big job is very tedious, AP is one feature away from knocking Lightroom out.
  2. Hello, Quick question, does this new update support compressed RAW files for the Fuji X-Pro2? I know uncompressed it is supported. Thanks!
  3. Is there any way? Am I missing something? I don't want to have to install AI on my computer. Some of us do logos or big artwork that desire to put text in a certain shape, why is such simple thing not possible?
  4. Love AD so much, but the brush deal is really keeping me having to go back to AI. I'm having such a hard time creating simple vector brushes. I know I'm probably way too frustrated to see things clear or even try to perhaps. But why is it so hard to achieve a simple stroke like this with the pen tool? I tried pretty much everything. If anybody has any answers or solutions it will be greatly appreciated because I'm on the verge of just giving up. For what I do, these two strokes are a must. I tried making them and they become grey and cannot change the color nor convert them into curves.
  5. I'm guessing I'd have to import them manually as PNG files?
  6. Is there any way to get PS/AI brushes into AD? Maybe I haven't tried hard enough but I would really appreciate some feedback in importing different brushes. Thanks in advance!
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